Start from the beginning


She jolts up. Lisa's face comes into sharp focus, her eyes heavy with worry.

"Are you alright?"

"What happened?" Sora leans her weight on the wall, soaking in the cool temperature of it. Her mind races and she dreads, cuts off Lisa's response. "What time is it?"

"2 AM."

Her fingers dive under her pillow, she grows agitated when the texture she finds is only cloth.

"Sora?" Lisa follows the movement of Sora's arm, gripping Sora's shoulder tighter in an attempt to make her pay attention to her.


"Please let go of me." she shifts, bringing her weight onto her knees that are tucked underneath her, both hands sliding over the sheets and blanket.

Buzz! The lights flick on with a low electric buzz.

A sigh leaps out of Sora the moment the white bottle recedes from its hiding place from under the folds of her blanket. Two pills hit the back of her throat and she takes out another bottle–orange–and swallows down two.

"Are you ill?" Her question falls on deaf ears as Sora pushes herself out of her bed, her eyes darting left to right, right to left, brows knitted in a frown.

"Headache." Sora mutters before slipping out the door and into the night painted halls.

Those pills were supposed to kill her sleep for the next few days. How did she fall asleep? She had consumed one as per the instructions, her seller had promised they were of a stronger dosage than her previous, yet, the pills knocked her out quicker than she could even think of sleep.

Water splashes on her face, again and again till she feels her eyes become light and her thoughts retreat to the furthest back of her mind, clearing away the fog that has misted over her conscience and the whispering that had persisted in devouring her ear and her sanity.

Fighting the urge to look at the mirror, she straightens up, Bolts out.


She shakes her head internally cussing those pills for not working.


"....our help." The voice says.

Another floats by, lower, deeper, male. "Have.....spoke.....her? Because....to...."


"...what's your relationship with him?"

"Stop Whispering!" Sora hisses and when they stop, the silence pleasant, she relaxes, unaware of the two pairs of eyes fixed on her.

It's only when Lorlei speaks is when she sees him. "You gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry." It was an automated response, quick enough for her to breeze past them and not grant them a chance to speak.

"Wait..." Lorlei's voice starts then cuts off when Sora closes the door behind her. She winces at the bang.

The room she's in is much cooler on her skin, borderline bitting. The scents of toothpaste, lemon, vanilla, methanol, spirit and detergent hits her nose.

"You shouldn't be here." Ghad, she just needs to...needs to....she doesn't know.

Jungkook sits in a corner, eyes cold and twinkling like the cold stones sprayed in the sky as the moon pours light on his face. He is draped in black- a black long sleeved shirt with a deep V that displayed the tender skin of his chest, black cotton pants paired with black socks.

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