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Thankyou for waiting.

She wonders why she is barefoot. She could have sworn she had her school shoes just a second ago.

No, she was in the shower a few seconds ago, sniffing out Lisa's body wash.

No, she was having a conversation with Lisa earlier. She could remember talking about Lisa's hate for physics and that she couldn't drop it because she planned on pursuing computer science in the near future.

Sora walks in the dark, the smell of booze wafts to her nose, her skin bare apart from the places where her lilac party dress hugs her frame. She is goosebumps free despite the biting cold. Whispers murmur around her but there is no one there. A shard of glass breaks the skin under her foot, sinks into her flesh.

It tickles, she chuckles.

Ah, she must get up there.

Her eyes trail up the flight of stairs to an open door. She craves the silence up there.

"Yn!" Someone screams her name over the music, bursts of laughter followed. "Yn!" it calls again, and again, and again and it drains her. She quickens her steps, stops in the middle of the stairs to swipe her palm at the bottom of her feet. A small debris of glass clinks down the steps. She proceeds, skipping along the way.

Laughter reaches her ears, louder, behind the door. She recognizes it and normally, she would scurry in the opposite direction and run away from her in a heartbeat.

But this time, she wasn't scared. She had so much to tell her. Well, not really but news that she really did want to share with someone.

She made a friend.

"Fucking finally, the sloth is here!" Namjoon walks towards her, greeting her lips with a savouring kiss. His tongue brushes against her and she realises that he was stealing the gum she had been chewing. He takes the bag cradled in her hand and presses a bottle of soju against her palm.

This time, Sora notices that his shirt is a striking royal blue with a calligraphy at the centre paired up with white jeans.

"Ugh, I hate your taste in fashion." She drawls.

"Hey! It's classy and warm. Rich women approach me when I dress like this. And it's not like I'm the one without shoes." He retorts, walking back to the small group of people at the far corner.

Her eyes catch her target. Blonde hair, blue eyes, her frame tucked under Jin's arm. She rolls her eyes, disgusted by the sight. That blond bitch loved him ever so dearly, so dutifully, so devotedly it made her stomach churn against itself with poison. To add to it, Namjoon hovered around him like a flu. Atleast Hobi had the audacity to be bored around them. She had so many times wondered what people found appealing about Jin, leave alone his status in the society.

She realises that she had stopped in her tracks and stared, not taking any step to get closer to them.

She watches them laugh, Hobi's lip sucking on a cancer stick, his eyes distant. Another wave of laughter and he flicks his gaze to them then meets hers. He takes a long drag, releases and cocks his head to the side and speaks.

They all face her, Namjoon waving his hand-calling her over.

Blue eyes watch her and Sora's breath catches in her throat. She attempts a smile. It had been so long since they saw each other. Since she looked at her, acknowledged her presence. Sora took a step forward, each step quicker than the last but they were so far away her legs were growing tired.

"Hurry up." Namjoon called, turning to continue the conversation.

"I am!"

The distance between them stretches, shrinking them until they are small dots and the sky above them bleeds to a sharp black, blanketing her and soaking every light source.

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