30 4 14

Irene plopped on her bed, her bag falling with a plop! on the floor. Her cheeks were crimson.

What was that? What the hell was that moment? Did he feel what she was feeling? Was she obvious? What did that vibe mean?

She buried her face in her pillow, her mind bouncing all over her body.

Does Taehyung like her by any chance?

"You're being stupid there's no way." Irene squealed, her dorm mates shooting her snarky looks but this time she didn't care.

She dashed out, heading to the hushed hallway.

She knocked on the dark door. Once, twice, she turned the handle, impatient for Lisa's response.

She paused by the door, waiting for Lisa to do her usual.

"Why are you not cussing me out?" Irene hitched a brow.

Lisa had secured a towel around her frame another towel drying her hair. "I have a roommate now. I thought you were her."

"Anyway, where is Yoongi? And your supposed roommate?"

Lisa pulled on her nightdress over her towel. "He will be here when my roommate is here."

"Who is she by the way? Is she your assistant prefect? Or a special student or something?"

Lisa shrugged.

A knock resounded shortly after. Yoongi ambled carefully, eyes darting around for a new face.

"She isn't here." Lisa.


"Not important," Irene replied and Yoongi rolled his eyes as he walked to lisa's bed and sat at the edge of it.

"Taehyung has a crush on me."


Irene bounced her gaze between the two.

Lisa was the first one to burst into hysteric fits of laughter.

"I am being serious." Irene threw her a glare.

"Never doubted you for a minute," Lisa said in between her laughs.

"We believe you." Yoongi wheezed.

Irene grabbed Sora's pillow and tossed it at them. "Fuck you guys."

"What happened?" Lisa said. Arms against her chest.

"I was sitting, at my desk, minding my own business, then the bell rang but I promised myself to do thirty questions and there was one question that was hard for me. An essay question and I wanted to get it done. There was Taehyung, a child born in politics. So I called him after class. And he came over and put his hand on the back of my seat and on my desk," Irene used her hand to describe this. "So he was like above me and he was looking at me like this." She stood up, walked to Lisa and leaned down, her chin above her, eyes looking down with a hazy gleam. "Isn't that hot?"

"Doesn't he look at everyone like that?" Yoongi quirked a brow.

"But this one was different. So, I tried to ignore it and I looked at the book and he never moved, I think he moved closer." Irene jumped, spinning as she squealed. "Maybe he wanted to kiss me."

Lisa laughed.

"We were eye fucking at that point. Or he was eye fucking me. Oh gosh, stop stop stop."

Lisa smiled with her.

"Okay. I digress. So he just told me that he wasn't smart, which isn't true, the sexy trucker gets fucking A's in this subject all the time without studying much on it."

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