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YN SORA blinked her eyes open.

Her ears rang and for a moment, she forgot where she was. Got confused with the view of the clouds the window showcased to her.

Then it all came back.

Anxiety hummed at the pit of her stomach, pleading for her to brood over the day, instead, she clinged to her mother's voice that whispered to her to think positively.

The bell was still wailing. 


Positive thoughts.

Rising to her feet, she peaked out the window, watched heads march to one direction where Jane Sutton, the school principal, stood preparing for the morning assembly.

She didn't want to go down there, and she didn't. She slipped on her shoes and psyched herself up for class, shifting her mind to the positive aspect that the day would come to an end. Eventually. She decided to head to class saving herself the trouble of scoring a comfortable desk. 

The new classrooms were saint painted and extinguished claustrophobia. The air was cool, flowing through the large white framed, glass windows, and out the white door. It was easy to confuse it with a psychiatrist ward but the splash of colorful charts, the brown desks and the dominant, oak shelf at the back delivered the sophistication of an elite classroom. She walked to the back of the room, the tiles beneath her were pristine and polished making her feel like some important celebrity, (Well, she was the daughter to one- kinda) she almost strutted in her walk.

She plopped her bag on the last desk, the breeze fresh and energetic, it swept her hair out of her face in firm caresses, shaking the leaves of the green camphor tree that waved its branches at her. She fished out her phone to snap a picture of it. It would make a beautiful wallpaper and she could sketch it during class instead of rudely staring out of the window.

A voice outside the classroom startled her and she plunged into her bag to quickly grab a book and slap it on her desk. 

"Fucking shit puberty is sexy. Shit." The voice said. Male. Drawing close then distant as it passed the door of her classroom.

"Not on you." Another male.

"The juniors are hot and Yn's tits are fucking sexy i think they..."

Gag. She tuned them out, you can imagine how that conversation went.

'Yn'. They weren't talking about her. It was the other yn. Yn Lorlei. The main protagonist of Horizon High. The girl that had everything from friends, grades, personality, envy, luck, 'fucking sexy tits' in Sora's words she would translate to a gorgeous bod. She was a beauty.

The better version of Yn Sora. That's what Sora believed religiously. And she was a fucking fan. She was sure she wasn't the first one, but she was gladly on the list of hoes who worshipped the ground Lorlei walked on. Not only for her beauty, but for who she is, smart, friendly, hardworking, competitive...she oozed success. Even if she wasn't from a prestigious family, she deserved to be. The world was in her favor, it taught her hardship and how to value the little things and mould her to the respectful, sweet angel she is, despite her normal joe background, she thrived in Horizon high, each year attaining goals as she served the perfect role model to someone.

The murmurs began pitching up with her best friend-anxiety. Feet shuffled, chairs from the adjacent rooms screeched.

She contemplated between sleeping on her desk and ignoring everyone or sitting up and greeting the first person that would-

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