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"What happened out there? You were doing great." He slipped through the window, sliding off his blazer to reveal his white stained shirt. He dropped himself on Sora's bed and kicked off his shoes. "You know, you should get out of your head entirely. That little brain of yours..." He shook his head with a tsk. "No good darling. No good."

" If you're here to patronise me, leave." Sora snarled, dropped to her knees to yank out her suitcase from under her bed. She almost clawed it open.

"I would, but you won't let me. How long will you survive on those?" He cocked his chin to her bottle, watching her drop four pills at the back of her throat.

"Leave Namjoon!"

Without a word, he left.

Sora closed her eyes, feeling the hit of the pills strike a nerve. Her whirling mind soothed to a standstill, the ringing in her ears toned to a deafening silence, the churning of her stomach ....it didn't stop.


"Yah! Lisa." Jimin's blonde hair peeped through the neighbouring classroom door (Class 4z).

Lisa, who was seated at the back, sneaked a peek underneath her lashes before she ignored him.

But Jimin was hard to ignore. The class buzzed up, flashing smiles and throwing conversation starters at him while he ambled to Lisa's desk, planted his palm on her desk and levelled their gazes.

"Hello beautiful."

"You're giving me a migraine. Whatever you need, go bother Jungkook."

"I'm looking for my girlfriend. Jungkook says he saw you with her."

She cocked her head, scrunched her forehead. "What?"


She rolled her eyes, tipping her attention to her exercise book.

"...where is she?"

"I'm right here. How would I know?"

Jimin straightened up, wished her a good day and left.

He peeked his head in other classrooms, surveyed the hallways, stepped outside until...

"There you are." He said under his breath.

Red hair climbed up the stairs that headed to the music room. Quietly, he followed, palms rubbed against each other. He felt giddy, jumpy.

He stood by the door watching her plant her face on the large window pane and relax her form. After a minute of observation, he cleared his throat. She jumped, whipped her head at him, stuttered.

It was one of those very few moments that Jimin was tongue tied. He cleared his throat again, walked into the middle of the room then stopped when she pressed herself against the window, cowered.

"What are you doing here?" The softness of his voice surprised him. But what was with the question? She was allowed to be here anyway. He racked for another question but nothing thus, he watched her frost, crystalize into a fragile shell. There was a squeak and he wanted to laugh. "What is wrong? I won't bite." He took a single step forward and her eyes followed the movement, cementing him on the spot.

Honestly, what was this situation?

It was baffling for him. Nerve wrecking.

"You will atleast have to speak to me at one po- hmm?"

She sounded...cold, drowned underwater, kissed by a gust of wind, echoing a siren.

"Am I in trouble?"

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