Smith Residence

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This takes after the big scam goes wrong.

Rick and Morty

Ellie by Stargirlshooter

Leora by Scarlet is an gae

There is Morty, Summer, Ellie, Leora, Beth, and Jerry are eating dinner at the table, while Rick hasn't come home yet. Speaking of Rick, he came back as he entered the door and sits down the dinner table with the others. 

Ellie: Grandpa Rick! Welcome back!

Beth: Hey Dad, so where have you been where you were off?

Rick: (sigh) I had given the portal gun to General Blade. To lay her butt and her forces off my back!

Leora: General Blade? Do you mean General Sonya Blade, from Special Forces? Why?

Rick: Well Leora, since she knows that my portal gun is such good use or whatever, I had to give her anyway, as she better promise to give him back or I swear I lose everything!

Morty: So, no adventures Rick?

Rick: (sigh) No adventures, Morty.

Suddenly Leora's phone starts to call as she picks.

Leora: Hello? Oh Double D, how are you-wow! Slow down dude, what happened? WHAT?! What did you mean the scam went too far very seriously? Everyone is...Oh no, that can't be good! Don't worry Double D, we be right there.

Beth: Something wrong sweetie?

Leora: It's the Eds! They are in trouble!

Summer (checking on her phone): Pffs, same as every day.

Leora: No Summer! This time is serious! We have to go to help! 

Morty: Oh geez, what they did do this time now?

Leora: It is much worse! Rick!

Rick: Uh hello? Didn't you hear what I said? I gave the portal gun to Sonya.

Morty: Aw geez Rick, the Eds need our help, we gotta do something.

Jerry: Wait! I think I know who can help.

Ellie: Who Daddy?

Jerry (picks up his phone and starts to call someone): Hey man! It Jerry. How have you been? OK, so there i something that I need you to help with something if you could. Man, really? Awesome, but be quick, it is an emergency.

Rick: Who did you call Jerry?

Jerry: I call Rick J19 Zeta 7.

Rick: You mean Doofus Rick, why?! You know that guy eats his droppings, Jerry!

Jerry: (sigh) Just wait, Rick.

Then a green portal came into their living room as a Rick with short haircuts and bucktooths.

Doofus Rick: Hey everybody! I got the portal device for helping your friends from the other side-

Rick snatched his portal gun and looked for the location codes.

Rick: Yeah yeah, we know. (Shoot a floating green portal) Come on guys! It's time for a Rick and Morty and Friends adventure!

Ellie: Yay!

Morty: Don't worry Eds, We are there!

Leora: Coming Summer?

Summer (still on her phone): No way, I'm good by the way.

Leora rolled her eyes over as she, Morty, and Ellie went through the portal.

Rick: I call you when I'm done, got it, Beth? But first, when need a few friends to get.

Rick then went through the portal as the portal later closed.

Silents in the dining room.

Jerry: So...Wanna help with the house together?

Doofus Rick: Well sure do I, Jerry.

Beth: (sigh) What an odd day this has been today.

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