chapter 8

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Amidst the aftermath of the brutal clash, the air thick with the scent of blood and the remnants of ethereal resonance, I stood over the wounded form of Qrow Branwen. The katana, now a symbol of both mastery and brutality, remained unsheathed, its blade gleaming with a malevolent glow that seemed to echo the intensity of the battle.

Observing the battered and bloodied huntsman, I couldn't help but acknowledge the surprising resilience he had displayed. Qrow, renowned for his combat prowess, had weathered the storm of ethereal-enhanced strikes with a tenacity that defied expectations. The alley, now bearing witness to the aftermath of the relentless clash, seemed to resonate with the echoes of a confrontation that had pushed the boundaries of conventional combat.

Jaune:You know

I began, my voice carrying a detached calmness that contrasted with the visceral scene around us

Jaune:I expected a seasoned huntsman like you to put up a decent fight. But you've exceeded even those expectations. Impressive.

The katana, held with a casual ease, seemed to vibrate with the lingering ethereal energy. Shadows, like silent spectators, clung to the blade, their dance mirroring the aftermath of the ferocious battle. Qrow, still conscious despite the evident toll on his body, met my gaze with a mix of exhaustion and a lingering defiance.

Jaune:As for what to do now

I continued, my tone betraying a hint of contemplation

Jaune:that depends on you, Qrow. You're in quite a predicament. You've faced the power of my ethereal resonance sure I was holding back and yet, you're still standing—albeit barely. What's your move now, huntsman?

The alley, now transformed into a battleground marked by the convergence of shadows and brutality, seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the next development. The symphony of combat had quieted, leaving only the distant echoes of a struggle that had pushed both combatants to their limits.

Qrow, struggling to rise, managed a wry smile despite the pain.

Qrow:You talk like you've got all the answers, kid. But this fight... it's far from over.

I tilted my head, acknowledging his resilience

Jaune:True, the fight may not be over. But your chances of turning this around? They're dwindling, Qrow. I could end this here and now, or we could continue dancing in the shadows. Your call.

I shrugged

The katana, still bathed in the ethereal glow, remained poised—a silent threat that hung in the air. Shadows, as if awaiting a verdict, seemed to cling to the very essence of the decision that would shape the fate of the wounded huntsman and the aftermath of a battle that had etched itself into the confines of the alley.

Amidst the lingering echoes of the battle, I found myself reflecting on the profound solitude that had become my constant companion. The katana, held with a steady grip, seemed to embody both the mastery over ethereal forces and the brutal reality of my existence.

Jaune:Why all this blood, Jaune?"

I mused aloud asking myself the words hanging in the air like an unanswered question. The alley, now silent in the aftermath of the clash, held the weight of the unsaid, as if the very shadows were privy to the inner turmoil.

A bitter chuckle escaped my lips as I continued, the resonance of the ethereal forces still palpable.

Jaune:Friends abandoned me, family disowned me, society tossed me aside. Do you expect me to beg on my knees, to grovel at their feet? Life handed me a deck of cards, and I played the hand I was dealt.

Path Forged by blood: a jaune's story (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now