CHAPTER 5 - Introductions and Growing Pains

Start from the beginning

"Thank you," she whispered. "I really hate to ask this, but are you able to leave the house?"

Wyatt tapped twice, but his shoulders went rigid, knowing where that question would lead. She wanted him gone. That was not going to happen. He thought they had an understanding. Was seeing what he could do too much for her? Women always gave him mixed signals, and his anger spiked when she walked out of the room. Wyatt stormed after her, his frustration rising when he couldn't communicate.

Emma rifled through her satchel and pulled out the printed copy of the inspection report before returning to the kitchen. She laid it on the counter and opened to the page on plumbing.

"Are you still in here, Wyatt?"

He slammed his fist on the counter twice, making her jump.

"Oh, sorry. It... it doesn't matter. I, um, sorry," she stammered, rushing back to her office and closing the door.

He looked down at the papers she left behind, ready to see house listings or ways for him to cross over or move along, all of which he had been shown before. The inspection paperwork was the last thing he expected.

"Fuck," he muttered, picking up the report and going back to her office. She stiffened when the door slid open, refusing to look behind her.

He laid the papers on top of the manuscript and picked up her pen.


"I didn't mean to upset you. It's really okay," she said, not lifting her eyes from the desk.

Wyatt underlined his words several times to emphasize his point.

"I... I was hoping if you could go anywhere, that maybe, if you didn't mind, you could go with me to the hardware store?" she stammered. "You don't have to fix these things. I'm very resourceful. It would just be easier if you could help me find what I need. Talking to people, it... I... I'm sorry. You don't have to do anything. How insensitive of me. You're dead. Of course, you don't want to work in the afterlife. I'm so sorry. Forget I said anything, please," she begged, not wanting to upset the spirit and be forced to move.

"Dammit," Wyatt cursed. It hadn't even been a day, and he had already misjudged and scared her.


"You do?" she looked up in shock.

Wyatt knocked twice, feeling like an ass. Then he circled 'When?' on the paper.

"I'll look up when they're the least busy. Otherwise, I get nervous and tend to rush out before buying everything I need."

9 PM

"Then we can go tonight if that works for you?"

"It's not like I have other plans," he laughed. "You're too nice, which is exactly what I need right now." Not being able to tell her that, he knocked twice, and she smiled.

"So, um, you're not mad at me?" she asked tentatively. His single knock had her shoulders relaxing, and Wyatt berated himself for the harsh reaction. He would need to be more careful around this little bird.

"Um, this may sound strange, but were you at the store with me the other night?"

Wyatt knocked twice and wrote.


He beamed when she laughed with a disbelieving shake of her head. It was such a sweet and genuine sound.

"Well, thanks. Next time help carry in the groceries," she teased, and he knocked twice. "That was a joke."

Emma worked a bit longer until her stomach grumbled, and she saw it was nearly seven. She grabbed her phone and tablet, taking them to the kitchen.

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