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Carter's POV

I woke up this morning feeling...the best I've ever felt in my life. Sloan was laid out on top of me, snoring lightly onto my neck. My smile was huge on my face as I ran my hand up and down his back. 

We didn't even have sex, but fuck that was amazing. It only excited me for when we would. Which I had a feeling would be very soon. 

But right now I was content, I felt complete. I felt like I was finally myself and it was amazing. We could feel our bond strengthen and fully connect. And honestly, I think Sloan and I have the strongest bond known to the shifter kind. Or maybe that's just me and I'm biased. 

I looked at the clock and it read 5 am. We did leave dinner early so my waking up at this time didn't surprise me. However, I did feel extremely crusty. I could feel the dried cum on my stomach and ass from Sloan. I pouted at the feel of it. What a waste.

'Goddess, you're dirty.' Tatty chimed in and a lazy smile covered my face.

'You would be too with your mate.' I teased back at him.

'Speaking of which, I need to talk to you about that.' I felt Tatty pacing like he was nervous. Why would he be nervous talking to me? 

'What's going on Tatty?' 

'I was wondering if possible. Once a month, Loren and I have some time together to front and be with each other. Our bond is...strong. Much stronger than I thought it would be and I find myself missing him a lot more than I should. I understand if you say no--'

'I'm going to stop you right there. One, I would never say no. Two, why don't we make it every two weeks? A month seems way too long.'

'Wait... seriously?' Tatty's joy leaked into my pores and I could feel him start to wag his tail. 

'Tatty, of course. You've given me so much and protected me from so much. It's the least I can do.' 

'Thank you, kid.'

'Does after Christmas work for you?' 

'Yes, yes that's perfect!'

Sloan started to stir, so Tatty retreated, I assume to tell Loren the good news. Sloan let out a soft moan as he rubbed his head against my chest. I ran my finger up his spine and his eyes began to flutter open.

"Good morning, Tiger." The words flew out effortlessly. No longer afraid of them. Sloan and I were marked for life. I trusted him fully and I know that he'd never do anything intentionally to hurt me. Sloan hummed deeply and gripped my sides.

"I missed you calling me that." He nuzzled his nose into my skin, taking a deep breath. Our scents are not perfectly combined.

"I did too. Don't worry, I'll make up for lost time." I leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"You're talkative this morning." He turned so he could rest his chin on my chest and look at me fully.

"I have no reason to hide my words from you anymore," I told him truthfully and his eyes lit up with emotion. He looked so happy. I loved seeing him so happy. "You should have fucked me last night." I blurted out and Sloan's cheeks turned a soft pink but his cocky smirk found a way to his face.

"Oh? You were the one that didn't want to because everyone was downstairs." He said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah well, I forgot these rooms were soundproofed and by the time I realized it was too late." I shrugged and brushed my finger up and down his earlobe.

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