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When Aradhna was working in her home office then she received a mail in which a female

 employee from her company complaint about the misbehavior done with her by her manager,

she also mentioned that she was now left with no other option than to directly mail her as she 

already tried complaining the higher authority about it, but every time the manager made

 assassinated her character in front of them and made her look like she is desperate to have 

sex with him. She even tried to leave the company, but he threatened her that he will leak her 

pics online and make her life worse than hell. She even told her that he is getting more and

 more obsessed with her day by day, despite the fact that he is married, but still everyday when 

she enters office he eye rapes her. At last, she pleaded Aradhna to look in the matter and help 

her and give her justice, as she can't tolerate this its already been more than a month she is

trapped in this and she can't handle this anymore, so if she doesn't get justice from her also then

 she will commit suicide so that she doesn't bring any shame to the name of her family.

After reading this Aradhna was fuming with anger as till date no one in her company dared to 

misbehave or harass any women, she was also confused as she has already made end number of

rules for women's safety and security herself so that every female worker in her company feels

safe, no matter at what post or rank she is.

While thinking all this she left kapoor mansion for the company as this matter holds uttermost 

importance that it can not even be delayed even for a minute more. On the way to her office she 

first called her pa to call that manager and every other person whom that girl mentioned in her 

mail in conference room and she also emailed the girl to come there as she didn't gave any kind 

details of her in the mail, so she can only be called from mail only.

When she was leaving kapoor mansion her chachi saw her going somewhere fully dressed in her 

formals, but she didn't came in front of her as she also saw her eyes bloodshot red with anger as 

she didn't knew what might happen with her if she will come in front of her at time, but she 

knew how much her daughter love her didu and she wants her to be there in her function so 

she informed her daughter-in-law to call Aradhna and ask her to come on time in function.

'Ji bhabhi'. Aradhna answered Shrishti's call 

'Where are you babe?' asked Shristi

'I am going to office and if can't come to function on time then please handle Divya as I can't 

delay this, it needs my immediate attention'.

'Is everything alright, is there some tension, is there something to worry, are you fine'. Shristi 

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