The Event

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He smiled nervously which I also found cute "I don't think you know me-"

"Of course I know you. You're all over the internet. I see you more then I see myself. I've also seen you in award shows but haven't gotten the chance to talk to you. It's nice to finally meet you."

I said while putting on a smile and he read my face for a while before his smile returned. Looks like I managed to make a good first impression... I think.

"I've heard about your concert here in Seoul and I really wanted to attend."

"That's okay."

"No it's not. If it wasn't for work, I would've definitely went." he says as he playfully rolls his eyes. "Most of my friends went though. Maybe next time I guess. How is your stay here?"

"It's fun. It hasn't changed since I left."

"I'm glad." he then placed his hand on the back of his neck as he deviated his eyes from mine "Y-you see, I've been a huge fan of yours and would really like to have a conversation about your career and stuff, would you like to grab some dinner sometime?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked as I stared into his dark eyes, they were mesmerising and easy to read. He was like an open book. He folded his arms as his smile grew, making his dimple show "Maybe..."

"I can't though. I'm going back to Canada on Wednesday."

"That's a bummer. I was going to take you to this five star restaurant. Then until we meet again I guess." he said as he walked away.

"Uhh wait." I said and he turned his head curiously. I looked at my hand holding his quickly let go. "We could go tomorrow if you have time."

"I don't unfortunately. But I'll ask my manager if he could make some time."

I deviated my gaze and slowly nodded as he smiled and walks away. I looked at glass of wine and twirled it around before drinking it. He stopped and turned around to face me "I'm heading to the VVIP section upstairs. Do you want to join me?"

"VVIP section?" I asked with my eyes wide open and he laughed softly. "The host and I knew each other since we were young so we're quite close."

He then usherd me to follow him and I did. Why was I always getting invited to the VIP sections? I felf like I was using up all my luck for the year.

He led me to the other side of the building and we head to the highest floor using the elevator. To be honest, I was quite nervous. I didn't know how the son of a Chairman woulf act. I presumed he'd be mean because he came from such a high status family and I wouldn't be too shocked.

The VVIP sections was more quiet then downstairs and of course, more beautiful. The view of Seoul during the night never failed to amaze me. There was barely anyone here except a man and two ladies.

One of the women was sitting on a sofa at the corner using her phone while the other woman was talking to the man. They all wore designer clothes that were so hard to find since they were premium outfits.

Min-soo led me to those two and I followed him nervously.

"Hey guys, look who I met." Min-soo said proudly as he walked towards them with hands in his pockets. They both turned to look at him and then at me before they smiled and welcomed me.

"You must be Amalia Omora. I'm Choi Yeon-jin, the host of this party." the man said as he stuck out his hand for a handshake.

He was coated in designer brands and I didn't know which one to look at. He had black wavy hair and brown doe eyes. His hair reached the top of his eyelid which made him look like a puppy.

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