Encounter Pt 2

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I woke up earlier than usual because today was the day of the event. I didn't get the time to buy an outfit for the party so I had to get them now.

I opened my phone with heavy eyelids. It was only 6am but I had to get up. I did my stretching routine and headed to the bathroom. After freshening up I wore black high waist pants and an oversized white buttoned up shirt that was only buttoned until where the pants start, leaving the rest of them loose. I looked at myself in the mirror and tied my hair in a high bun.

I felt tired from all that drama from yesterday but I still headed downstairs for breakfast nonetheless. As I entered the restaurant, I identified Mr Jones by his silky black hair and spectacles at the corner eating from what I could tell was eggs, toast and baked beans. I sighed to myself. I didn't want him to see me. He would just scold me again. I walked towards the receptionist who was standing behind a high table.

"Excuse me but do you have another place where I could eat?"

"Of course ma'am. There is a restaurant called L'Amour de la Cuisine that's owned by this hotel just down the road. Would you like to go there?"

"That's fine-"

Wait a minute. She was talking about the restaurant where Ji-hoon worked. I narrowed my eyes and thought about him. His small waist, sharp jawline, and doe eyes...maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go there-

What was I thinking?! I was way above his league. I must've been really tired and stressed out from the concert and the upcoming party. Yeah. I was definitely not thinking straight. But would I rather go there and deal with Ji-hoon or get scolded by Mr Jones?

That was a no brainer.

"I would like a chauffeur to drop me off there."

She smiled at me and nodded before picking up the phone. She talked to the person on the other line for a minute before hanging up and looking back up at me. "A chauffer is available to escort you to the restaurant. Enjoy your breakfast." I nodded and headed out.


I thanked the chauffeur and exited the car. As I stared at the restaurant, I took a deep breath and walked inside. To be honest, I loved the restaurant. It was very welcoming and it gave off a very calming aura. There were cute plants hanging off the ceiling and two large plants in front of the entrance as well. The chairs were beige in color and the tables are round.

Not only that but the wooden decor made the smell of coffee much more comforting than it was. 

I looked around, hoping to find Ji-hoon but he wasn't there. I guess he was in his office. A waitress spotted me and walked towards me. She looked a bit younger than me and had short dark hair and cheeks that were as red as a rose, adding to her already youthful look.

"Hello. Would you like me to escort you to the VIP section?"

"VIP section? But I'm not a VIP- You know what, yes. Take me there." I said as I grinned. That was wierd though. Why didn't they take me there the first time I came here? Maybe they recognized me now after seeing me again.

She nodded and led me upstairs.
The theme was just like downstairs, the only difference was that there were white and light green couches with perfectly crafted tables and a view of the beautiful city. There were also tables and chairs where people could sit right next to the bay windows. It looked like a perfect spot for a romantic date...maybe.

As I glanced around, I noticed that there were only a few people here, probably because you had to be someone either wealthy, famous or both to be here. Plus, it was extra money.

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