I Am

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Please note that this is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, and companies portrayed in this story are pure fiction.


I exited my car and gave the keys to the valet before making my way to the building. I walked past the French doors and was immediately greeted by everyone there. All the employees turned their heads in shock and bowed as I ignored them and continued waking. I was already used to this.

I made it to the elevator and press the button for the highest floor. After waiting for a while it finally opened and the people inside bowed their heads at me before quickly getting out and moving aside. I entered the elevator and the doors closed.

"Wow I'm exhausted." I mumbled to myself. I had a very long week. All I wanted to do was get a massage and relax. The doors opened and I stepped out. The hallways were very neat and clean. This floor wasn't accessible to just anyone as it was for people with high positions and who contribute the most to the company.

This floor was decorated differently compared to the floors downstairs. The floors were made up of White Oak wood and the chairs were black in color with some chairs that were grey to add a bit of character to the decor. On the left, there was a hallway that went to the chairman's office but there was a secretary's office right in front of it.

I walked towards the office and the secretary stood up and bowed as she saw me.

"Hello ma'am-"

"He's here right?" I asked without looking at her and she nodded.

"I'll let him know that you are here-"

"No need." I said and walked past her. She immediately rushed past me and opened the French door for me. The French doors were black in color with brown vertical lines on them. I entered the office and immediately came face to face with the chairman's desk. Behind the desk was a wall made of wooden stripes and to the right, there were many pictures and awards of the restaurants that was opened across the country.

The secretary bowed and closed the door. The chairman looked up from his desk, annoyed by the sudden disruption but as soon as he saw me, his face brightened up.

"Ae-ri, It's you!" he said with a huge grin on his face before standing up and walking towards me. I smiled and walked towards him with my arms extented to give him a hug.

"Grandpa. I'm back!" I said as I hugged him and he chuckled.

"Have a seat, you must be tired after your trip to Paris." he said as he ushered me to the black sofas in front of his desk.

He then walked to his desk and pressed a button "Bring us some tea."

"How was your trip?" He asked as he sat down on my left by the sofa that was hand made just for him. It was placed on the center infront of his desktop which showed his authority.

"It was fun. I met a lot of different people and fashion designers."

"That's great." he said as he smiled. He then leaned in with a concerned look on his face. "You must be tired. You just got back from Paris today. You should rest."

"I was going to rest but I wanted to see you first. Now that I have seen you, my energy is restored." I replied and then smiled as he waved his hands in embarrassment.

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