Until I found you

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"I would never fall in love again until I found her

I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you"

Park Jimin and Park Chaeyoung had spent most of their lives together, building a life filled with love, laughter, and memories. Now, in the twilight of their lives, they found themselves facing an unexpected journey, the last days they would spend together..

Jimin had been one of the greatest professors any student could have in Seoul, with that much level of recognition that everyone termed him as an immortal inspiration for the upcoming generations, they would be missing out on such a moment ever..

Park Chaeyoung had always been labeled as the epitome of art herself, the way her brush solely belongs to her, the way she brings out the life in her paintings, giving them meanings no one except her husband could ever explore..

Her paintings were permanently hung up in art galleries, in her honor, but what did go wrong?

Fate? Well, opportunites!

Death is so unpredictable, no matter what age, they both were in their mid-30s, about to cross their elder age, and still had a long journey ahead of them to create a vision for the world, but God wanted something else..

Death? Yes! But, together! How beautiful! To die with your lover without any tears..

They both were suffering through cancer, how well the fate was, both were diagnosed together five years ago, fighting over the years but no longer could destiny witness them on this selfish land, full of greedy people..

Their cozy little cottage tucked away in the countryside was a treasure trove of books, paintings, and photographs that whispered the stories of their life together. Surrounded by beautiful landscapes and blooming flowers, they had found solace and peace in this haven they called home.

They had dark circles under their sunken yet lively eyes, still finding some hope,  skin covered with scars of their struggles, drastic weight changes, a lot judged, but they didn't have the mindset to take it to their heart..

One warm spring morning, as sunlight streamed through the lace curtains, Jimin woke up to find Chaeyoung already awake, gazing out the window with a wistful smile. He wrapped his arms around her fragile and tired frame, whispering words of love and assurance.

"Rosie.." His whispers were crystal clear, sending a shiver down her spine as she looked at him, their faces too close but it wasn't the time to be filmy..

"There's something called morning breath Jimin.."

Laughter erupted in the bedroom, they sat together in comfortable silence, embracing each other, cherishing the simple joy of being together.

As their days grew shorter, Jimin and Chaeyoung embarked on a series of adventures, determined to make the most of their remaining time They took long walks holding hands, touching the petals of every flower they came across, and breathing in the scent of the earth.

Each step was a testament to their enduring love, and with every moment, they grew closer, their hearts entwined.

One afternoon, they wandered into a small town fair in Seoul. The bright colors, the sound of laughter, and the scent of cotton candy brought back memories of their youth. Five years ago..

"Five years ago, everything was so peaceful.." Jimin claimed with a slight hint of desolation in his voice..

"It's still peaceful if it's you and me!" Chaeyoung replied as she got a peck on her dry lips from him..

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