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"Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own"

Daddy, she doesn't understand me at all!" The girl lied through her teeth as she secretly poked her tongue at the elder woman, clearly enjoying the show to the fullest as the blonde felt her palmis sweating with a touch of coldness..

"Jimin can yo-" The woman was instantly cut off in the middle as a huge scream resonated throughout the hall, her eyes welling up with nonexistent tears and she couldn't believe she would have to witness this day in her life..

"CHAE! CAN'T YOU JUST COOPERATE A BIT?!" The bitterness was fully evident in his tone which indirectly reciprocated his tired and sunken face while she was contemplating on whether to be defensive or not..

"Now tell me babygirl, what happened?" Jimin's sweet tome was back to action as he kept rubbing her back, preventing her from furthur strokes as tears slid down her cheeks, smearing down her mascara..

For some reason it was though really expensive, looked cheap as hell to both of the older ones..

"Daddy! She screamed at me, she said I'm an asshole!" Chaeyoung felt her eyes wide open the moment she heard the statement, and she's now was clear about how manipulative this pre-teen was, just like any other one..

I myself don't remember that!

She grunted internally..

"Chaeyoung, what's your problem? Can't you just handle your daughter without handing her to me over?" Jimin expressed his opinion as he rubbed the faint dark circles underneath his eyes, the clearest depiction of him craving for even a week vacation..

"I'm sorry.." She just whispered nonchalantly, oh how she wished she could have been as courageous as her daughter at the right age, but her mindset was the same, the same coward mother who didn't know how to take a stand for herself..

Sure Jimin treated her mighty fine like the queen she is, and still does, even more than before and she couldn't ask for anything else currently, except for today, when he lashed out at her just for the sake of his dear daughter..

Never once would be a day when their daughter wouldn't back bitch about Chaeyoung, accusing her of filthy words as the blonde tried to inculcate the right values in her, but who knew it would turn out to be so much outrageous..

Park Aera was beautiful, had a seductive charm in her attitude just at the age of eleven, was stubborn, and was spoiled enough by her father, no other than Park Jimin who loved her, equivalent to his wife Park Chaeyoung..

He never once failed to provide her with every single necessity in the world she needed, too much for her own good that other than Park Chaeyoung, no one was actually serious enough for Aera's future, leading to severe conflicts..

It had been only one time when Chaeyoung complained to Jimin about her spoiled behavior when their daughter fat-shamed and bullied another girl in her school, wanting him to join her to inculcate the best values in her..

That was the first and the last time Jimin actually scolded Aera, but once he did, she didn't talk to him for days and asked for an apology and a set of new Tiffany and Co. jewelry for herself, and though they had a middle-class status, though the parents were trying to save each and every penny for their daughter's future, he eventually gave in for her happiness..

She had to leave her job when she was one, wanting to give her the parental love she needed in the absence of Jimin, and again got employed when she turned nine, however, her rebellious attitude started to show up at an early age..

Jirose One Shorts ♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon