Rexx is beside me and luckily Sanger is in front of me. I offer him a small smile because I saw him shove Tristan into the seat first so he could take this position. No doubt Tristan would be trying to play footsies under the table whilst I barf into my food.

My eyes scan the laminated menu as my stomach rumbles quietly. I could definitely murder something unhealthy right now because I don't want to be here and I need comfort food.

"Him," Rexx growls suddenly as I glance up.

His eyes are staring down at a man behind the counter, sorting out the till. He's probably in his fifties, black hair turning grey with a moustache and a pair of framed glasses. Mmmm. Seems pretty innocent to me.

Tristan instantly glances over his shoulder, not even attempting to make it obvious. Sanger waits like a normal person. "Him?" Tristan repeats.

Rexx's eyes turn deadly as he nods. "That fucker."

I don't even want to know why he's got a vendetta against the poor man but knowing him, he does it for fun sometimes. He'll hear one little rumour and decide to bring the entire world down, even if he's wrong.

Power hungry idiot.

The waitress comes over to take our orders and I grimace at the length of Tristan's order. Pancakes with syrup, a triple cheeseburger with fries, a hotdog, grilled sandwich. Sanger shakes his head silently in disbelief, Rexx doesn't even flinch.

I order a toasted sandwich and a coffee and be done with it.

Rexx leans over the table and begins to mutter away to the pair of them about why this man needs to be taken down. I lean back against the booth and flick my eyes over the other customers. I have no idea why I'm even here. I don't need to be here.

Probably to make Rexx look like a decent person. If a woman is in the presence of three men, then things must be sweet and safe in that story. Couldn't be further from the truth.

Our food comes twenty minutes later and we dig in. I'm grateful for the meal at least.

My eyes continue to roam the room because listening to Rexx talk is like slamming my head against the wall. It's just as painful.

I push my plate further into the table and lean on it as my eyes set on a familiar set of dark brown hair, almost black. For a moment I pause and wait for the man to turn around, only for my blood to thicken in shock and my body to turn rigid.

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Why is he here?

No no no no no no. This can't be happening.

I attempt to drag my eyes away but it's too late. We catch glances.

Anyone could spot Gabriel from a mile away. It's nearly impossible to miss a face as handsome as his. He makes his presence known in a small space like this, not just his height and his face but his demeanour.

His eyes narrow at me and I suddenly gulp. Then he flicks his gaze over the three men sitting beside me and his expression turns to a look of confusion... maybe concern. Nausea crashes over my sternum as he walks across the diner and straight towards us.

Fuck. I can't breathe. I can't fucking breathe.

As he approaches I'm attempting to shake my head. Begging. Pleading for him not to come over here because it will not end well. Fuck. Sweat begins to bead around my forehead and the back of my neck. I don't move because I don't want Rexx clocking my face but Sanger's eyes are on me and I know he knows something is wrong.

I don't know if my eyes are reading fear but he walks towards us anyway. As he approaches Rexx's voice stops and the three of them glance up at Gabriel as he pauses by our table for a few moments.

𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now