Chapter 27

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-Ruarc Brennan-

That woman is going to kill me and then dance on my powdered bones, I thought to myself as I walked Quan home. Apparently, Quan and I shouldn't have been called to the crime scene the other morning. Apparently, I did a good job at distracting Quan, but everything just came back to what Candice was trying to avoid.

I couldn't understand half of our conversation, as it had turned into a conversation which Candice had with herself, answering her thoughts and not elaborating on anything. I was left wondering what I was meant to be doing in my job, save for making sure that Quan stayed alive. My previous job, distracting him, had been a failure.

It didn't feel like a failure though. It felt as though I was on cloud nine as I said goodbye to him last night. The hangover wasn't nearly as bad as my last one, and I could remember every single embarrassing thing that I said.

I couldn't believe that we had that conversation about age, even less so that it ended up that way. It was supposed to be something that we discussed when we were both in the right mind, discussing serious aspects of our relationship. But at least he didn't seem to mind too much.

"Ruarc, you okay?" Quan asked.

I blinked a few times and realised that we were at his doorstep. "Oh, yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about the top secret stuff I can't tell you." I had hoped that treating it like a joke would make it seem less serious. I'd hoped that it would make it less heavy on my mind, but that didn't work.

Quan shook his head and opened his door, leaving it open for me. "You know, I don't think I much care for very secret things which I'm not meant to know." He yawned and crouched down, stroking Clover's head. "I know, I know. He'll go get Rosie in a minute."

"I will?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Clover hissed. That cat was definitely not a simple cat. "I will."

That's what I did in the next minute, I went to collect Rosia, who greeted me with a small meow. She wasn't the most social cat, especially when it came to me. But she let me pick her up and take her to Quan's. I figure it was because she knew exactly where we were going, as she didn't react the same way when I had to take her to the vets when I first took her in.

Quan had turned the television on when I had returned, there were also two bowls of ice cream on the table.

"I thought that you were going to start eating normal food?" I asked but sat beside him on the settee and grabbed the bowl closer to me.

"It's Friday," he replied with a shrug. "I've had a hard week; I deserve something like ice cream." He reached over and grabbed the other bowl. "What do you want to watch?"

I hummed as he flicked through the channels. "Stop." He had landed on some sort of romantic comedy. "This'll do."

"Is it just starting?" He put the remote down, after putting audio description on.

"Yeah." I allowed myself to slump into the settee.

There we sat, in our uniforms in Quan's living room, eating bowls of ice cream and laughing our heads off until early that evening. Of course, I made us both some actual food at some point, but I wasn't sure what point that was. I went to my own house at around two in the morning, a sleeping cat in my arms and smile on my face.

The next morning, I decided that I should actually take control of the house which was mine and clean it. I hadn't done a lot of cleaning since I moved here, and that was a mistake. I had to clean the entire building.

It was around ten in the morning when a knock came at my door. I had been keeping an ear out, as my job was still my job even on the weekends, so I knew partly who it was.

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