"Okay ladies, have we decided on where to eat from?" I ask curious. Usually it'd take a short while to find a place and order an insane amount of food.

"Umm I already ordered from two shops and Ling is on the phone with another place," Audrey says.

"I've got the pizza coming, what about you Em?" Latrice asks.

"I just placed an order for loaded fries at this new place. I got like five different flavors too," she says.

"Uh can you guys add an order of tteokbokki please," I say and Ling gives me a thumbs up.

"Oh and here are the clothes,"

"Umm, is it alright if we took some showers? Em's smelling kinda ripe," Audrey says covering her nose to which Emma gasps and chucks a pillow at her.

"No I don't your just projecting because you smell like a sewer," she rebuttals and the catfight starts.

"Ok Ok. You guys can shower. There's a guest bathroom upstairs and y'all can take turns. Since you wanna start stuff, you can go first A," I say to Audrey and Emma gives her a smirk that says 'I won bitch' but Audrey just sticks out her tongue and flicks her off as she gets off the couch.

"Come on, I'll show you where it is," I say as I direct Audrey upstairs to the guest bathroom. As Audrey showered, I went back downstairs to help the girls finish ordering food for the night and turning on some music as we waited.

Nicki Minaj's 'Chun Li' comes on and now it was a performance with me, Latrice and Kirsten as we rapped the lyrics and danced. Ling and Emma were in the back recording us and using their flashlights for extra razzle dazzel.

"They need rappers like me, THEY NEED RAPPERS LIKE ME, so they can get on their fucking keyboards and make me the bad guy Chun Li," we yelled out as Bada came down the stairs to all the commotion. I thought she was gonna tell us to turn the music down, but to my surprise, she started being my hype woman and yelling 'ahhhh ahhhh'.

Bada joins in dancing with us as we all freestyle and try to match our moves as best as we can. When the song was over, we all fell out on the floor in a fit of laughter at how goofy we all were.

"Ok, imma go shower. You and Audrey better behave while I'm gone. Bada, you're in charge," I say as I eyed the girls with the 'I'm watching you' look.

"Why does she get to be the babysitter?" Emma asks with her arms folded.

"Because she's the oldest," I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Bada, write their names down if they are bad. Gotta treat these children like they're in school, mmm mmm mmm," I said shaking my head.

"Stop, you're giving me flashbacks to when the teacher would leave and have one of the good kids write our names on the board for talking," Latrice says making her and Kirsten shiver at the thought.

"That's the whole point," I say proudly.

"Boo!!!!" Kirsten says booing me.

"That's one name to the list..." Bada says to Kirsten while scribbling on imaginary paper. Kirsten gasps then throws a pillow at Bada and they both fall out laughing. I make my way up the stairs and head to the bathroom and get in the shower.

After about eight minutes, I make my way out and wrap myself in a towel and go to the sink to do my after-shower care. When I'm finished, I realized I didn't bring any pajamas with me so I go to the closet.

The room was dark so I carefully walked across the room hoping not to run into any furniture. Just as I was about to make it to the closet, a hand pulls me and yanks me to the side.

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