Chapter 13

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It all happened so fast. The car was speeding and it wasn't their turn to cross the intersection. I saw pedestrians had ten more seconds left. But I hadn't seen the car coming. It wasn't until I felt a pair of hands yank me from behind out of harm's way. It was Bada, I was still in a state of shock about what happened and nothing really registered in my mind yet.

"LUNA LOOK AT ME!" Bada said with so much concern in her eyes. We were now on the ground by the sidewalk. I heard Bada but my mind was still in shock. My eyes were wide and filled with worry.

"Luna come on, talk to me," Bada pleaded. At that moment everything registered. I was almost hit by a car. Oh wow. My life just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? I don't know if it was the adrenaline or the emotions from the past few minutes but I hopped up from the ground and just started walking. Bada was confused as she kept calling out my name. She ran up behind me and turned me around to face her.

"Luna please," Bada begged. I hadn't realized I had tears streaming down my face at an alarming rate. I was both angry and sad with Bada. How could she do that to me? She straight-up ignored me for an hour. Does she think this is ok?

"Let go of my arm," I said as I yanked my arm from her. I tried to walk away but she came around to where I was standing and blocked me.

"Just talk to me Luna, please" she begged. You could see the pain in her eyes but she has no idea how much pain I am in right now.

"Talk? Talk? You want me to talk to you after you just ignored me like that. You're out of your fucking mind Bada." I said shaking my head, trying to make sense of something, anything.

"Luna, I'm sorry, please. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I don't know, I just..."

"Just what Bada? I wasn't ignoring you today, I just didn't feel like talking because I felt like shit lately. And I told you that and you just up and decide to ignore me. Why do you people always do this to me?" I cried out.

"You people? What's that supposed to mean?" Bada asked confused.

"Everyone I come in contact with, they just somehow know how to really fuck my head over like my life is some kind of game. I don't know what I keep doing wrong to everybody. Just what more do you guys want from me!" I was finally at my breaking point. I couldn't take it anymore. I fell to my knees bawling on the sidewalk. I didn't care who watched because truthfully, I was in too much distress to even care. Bada crouched down next to me and took me into a tight embrace.

"Please Luna, I'm so sorry. I won't ever do that again. I just, I didn't know what to say when I saw you were hurt earlier. My mind was racing with different possibilities on who or what could've made you like that. And I didn't want to say the wrong things. I'm sorry Luna, I messed up ok. But I won't ever do that to you again, please." Bada pleaded with me.

I couldn't do anything but continue to cry. All the emotions from the past few days have surfaced. Bada could see I wasn't gonna move on my own, so she picked me up bridal style and walked me to her car. My sobs subsided but the tears were still flowing. When she placed me inside the car, I was silent and just staring out into nowhere. She crouched down next to my seat.

"Luna?" she asked softly. I looked over to her.

"I'm so sorry love," she said as she rested her forehead against my thigh. Our hands were intertwined. I stroked her hand with my thumb and she looked up from me. I gave her a weak smile. She came to kiss the side of my head and she buckled me in. When she got in the car, we set off to drive back to her place. The ride was silent. Music was low too. We took this time to collect our thoughts and figure out how to fix what we broke today.

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