Chapter 30

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Kirsten took me upstairs to talk away from the other girls. I have no idea what she is going to tell me though but I know she and Luna are like sisters. So I know it is only something that could benefit Luna right now. We go into my bedroom and Kirsten closes the door making sure we are out of ears reach.

"Look Bada, I know that look on Luna's face. I've seen it before when she was at one of the lowest points of her life and it's scaring me so much right now. We were just talking about how she was doing so much better but then this happened," she said tearing up. I sigh and lean into the edge of the bed.

"My point is, is that the look on her face was the same look she had when she tried to hurt herself all those years ago. I was stupid enough to let her deal with Haneul on her own, and I regret that so much, but I won't stand by and watch her hurt herself again. I just can't," she says breaking down.

I get up from the bed and bring her into a hug. I know this can't be easy for her at all seeing someone she so dearly loves in such a dark place. It hurts me that she has an idea of what might be going on inside of Luna's head and if it's anything like she says it is, then we need to figure out how to fix it fast. I won't allow Luna to lose herself. She's stronger than this, I know it.

"Why are you two hugging?" A voice says from the door. I hadn't noticed it opened up. It was Luna at the door. I quickly took a step back from Kirsten as I saw the blank look on Luna's face. 

"So what, I tell you she's my girlfriend and you try to get with her now? Is that it?" she says to Kirsten as she comes up to us.

"We tried to stop her," the other girls say out of breath as they made it up the stairs.

"Lulu you know it's not like that," Kirsten says. But Luna scoffs and laughs. I don't know what's going through her mind right now but it's not good at all.

"Yeah right, you wanna take the one good thing in my life away from me, right? Well, you can't. She doesn't want you Kirsten so back off," she says. I could tell she was only saying this stuff out of anger from what happened downstairs.

"Baby, it's not like that, you know we'd never do something like that to you love," I say going to touch her arm but she pulls back from me. I could tell she's hurting so much right now but she doesn't know how to let her emotions out, so she's taking it out on all of us.

"Get out Kirsten," Luna says sternly while looking at me. I know Luna and this isn't like her at all. She's hurting so much and is just saying anything that comes to her mind.

"What?" Kirsten says as a tear runs down her face. Luna was hurting her so much but I know Kirsten can understand Luna's anger and not to take it personally.

"I said get out," she says turning to face Kirsten and then pushing her out of the room.

"Matter of fact, you all can get out. So take your shit and go," she says grabbing all of their things from the living room. I had to stop her before she did or said something she wouldn't be able to come back from.

"Luna, look at me. They were just trying to help you, baby. No one here wants to see you hurt okay? Kirsten was only trying to tell me how we can help you," I tell her holding her arms. She was shaking in my touch.

"I don't need help. You saw what your agent said. You guys shouldn't be here anyway. So go!" she says picking up their clothes and throwing them on the floor.

"Luna," I say sternly. I get she's hurting right now but being this way to her closest friends who love and care for her like family isn't right.

"Just go!" Luna says frustratedly. All of the girls make their way out of the door but Kirsten waits to leave.

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