Chapter 27

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After hearing the girls gossip about my life, my mind kind of went blank. Well not blank, more like it was processing everything. I wasn't paying attention when Bada came up to me to put some things in the basket, so I accidentally dropped the basket on the floor making some items fall out. Great, now those girls who were talking about me just came to this aisle too, just what I needed right now. 

"Sorry," I say to one of the girls because an item rolled over to her. She picked it up and tried to hand it to me, but I kept my head down and pulled my hoodie on tighter making sure my hair blocked my face. I didn't want them to know I heard what they said or to even recognize me right now. 

"Thank you," I said to the girl who handed me the can that rolled towards her and bowed respectfully, making sure my face never showed. I went back over to our basket and hurried to put everything back in there. 

"What's wrong baby?" Bada asked as she saw I was trying to cover myself. 

"Uhh, can I wait outside?" I asked Bada. She nodded her head and without giving it a second thought, I rushed toward the entrance of the store and went to the side of the building. Ugh, I can't believe it was already happening, as if today couldn't get any worse than it already was. I crouched down to hug my knees for a few moments as I tried to collect my thoughts. Freaking out right now isn't what I need to do. I already knew this day was coming sooner or later so why am I still so hurt and shocked? 

I guess I didn't prepare myself enough to get talked about in the world, or Korea for that matter. I was a black girl in Korea so it wasn't too hard to spot me out in public so of course people are going to know who I was. I just wished my personal business didn't have to get out in the open like it is right now because it truly isn't anyone's business. My life is just that, my life. I don't feel like being judged or looked at differently because of my past situations. 

A few minutes later, Bada comes outside. I heard her calling my name so I got back up and waved to her and she came jogging towards me. 

"Is everything alright love?" Bada asked. I put on a weak smile to try and mask my emotions. I'm trying to fake til I make it at this point. 

"I guess the news about me is already out in the open. I heard those girls in there talking about me so I just wanted to get out of there before they saw me," I said trying to sound like it wasn't affecting me, but deep down my insides were still turning. Bada came closer to me and wrapped me into her embrace as she shoved my face into her coat to give me a bear hug. 

"I'm so sorry love," Bada said. 

"Yeah well, it is what it is. We knew this would happen eventually," I said backing away. 

"I know but that doesn't make it any less hard to go through love. You're allowed to feel sad and hurt right now. You don't have to hide your emotions with me, baby," she said caressing my arm. 

"I know, I just feel like all I do nowadays is cry. I know you didn't sign up to have a crybaby around 24/7." I said laughing a little to try and find some kind of laughter in this situation. 

"I signed up for all of you my love. Everything that comes with you is now stuck with me and I love everything about you. And even though I hate seeing you cry, you're such a pretty crier," Bada said to which I laughed. At least I'm a pretty crier, that's a plus, right? 

"Come on love, let's go home," Bada said before taking my hand in hers. 

"Are you sure you're okay being around me with all these rumors going around?" I asked Bada curiously. 

"People can think whatever they want to think about us. I'm never leaving you, my love. Plus, I think I'll just start another rumor of my own," she said matter-of-factly. 

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