Chapter 25

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(A few hours before)

I went into the kitchen to grab some water after my dance session. Bada still wasn't picking up my calls so I decided to call her again after I'd taken a shower. When I get out I put my towel on and head to the sink. I pick up my phone and press Bada's number and she finally picks up.

"Bada, hey. Is everything alright, you haven't been picking up and I was getting worried,"

"Oh everything is perfect darling," a voice said through the phone. I checked the caller ID to make sure I called Bada's number and I did. 

"Umm, may I ask who this is?" I said to the strange person over the phone. 

"This is Bada's fiance. Who is this?" she said. My heart sank hearing her words. 

"Excuse me? I'm her girlfriend. Look I don't know who you are but can you give the phone to Bada please," I said trying my hardest to stay composed. 

"Oh hun, Bada can't come to the phone. We just got out of the shower because we got too dirty if you know what I mean. I'd say you could leave a message, but quite frankly I don't want to," she said with a snarky tone. 

"Look here, I don't know who you think you are or what you have with Bada but she's with me. So whatever game you're playing can stop right here," I said getting fed up.

"You say she's with you, yet she's over here with me. Don't you find that quite strange? If I were you, I'd go ahead and leave on a clean break. Less drama. Bada does this from time to time, but she's mine. She goes out and finds little toys to play with but at the end of the day, me and her are getting married. So hate to break it to you but it'll never be you love," she said. 

"She's not engaged," I said

"She is, and she told me all about how you guys just got together, yeah well that wasn't gonna last too long now was it?" 

"You bitch!" I snarled over the phone. 

"Oh gotta go, my fiance just got dressed. We might have some more fun so I gotta cut the call short. It was once talking to you though, not," she said and the line clicked dead. 

I stared at my phone in disbelief. This can't be, right? She wouldn't do this to me, I know her better than that yet I can't help but let the tears fall as my heart breaks. Bada and I have been through too much for this to be it. This can't be it. 

I try to gather myself as I slip on some pajamas and make my way downstairs. I try to give her another call but the line goes to a voicemail telling me I have been blocked. I press my forehead to the counter top and I bend over trying to collect myself. I have no idea what is going on right now, but none of this can be true, can it? Through my tears, I go and make my way to the couch waiting for Bada to get home. I know she's gonna come home, she has to. 

It's been about an hour since the phone call and Bada still hasn't come home. My tears can't help but to fall as I think of the possibility of this all being a lie. Maybe it was all too good to be true and I got my hopes up thinking she was gonna be different, that she was actually gonna love me. If she was playing me this entire time, then why help me with Haneul? Why come into my life and tell me all these good things and treat me so right only for it all to be a lie? 

It was around eight at night by now and I just sat there on the couch crying my eyes out as the anxiety crept over me. I ended up crying myself to sleep on the couch in front of the warm fire hoping Bada would come home to me. 

(Present time)

"Luna, my love. I'm home," I heard Bada say from under my blanket. I start to move to try and make my way out of this blanket fort. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the cabin. It was pitch black outside. How long was I asleep for? 

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