Chapter 18

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I had woken up to the sun shining on my face. I look over to my right side and find Bada sleeping soundly. I checked the clock and saw it was ten a.m. Seeing as how late we stayed up yesterday, won't wake Bada up. Being as quiet as I could, I got up from bed and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly did my business washed my hands and came out, but I was quickly startled when I heard rummaging downstairs.

I looked over to the bed and Bada was dead asleep so I made my way outside and closed the door behind me. I made sure to grab one of the heavy vases that was on the stairwell and quietly went downstairs ready to charge at whoever broke into here.

The weapon was behind my back when I peeked downstairs and saw the kitchen cabinet doors open and food all over the counter. My heart sank because that meant someone really did break into the house. All of a sudden my heart dropped when two little kids came up behind me and yelled 'Boo!' I dropped to the ground as my heart was going 100 mph.

"Who are you guys?" I asked not wanting to yell at the kids. Maybe they broke in here because they needed shelter.

"We're Imo Bada's niece and nephew," the older boy said. So Bada's family was here.

"Are you parents here as well?" I asked. They both shook their heads. I could tell the girl was more shy and that her brother was as he was the one doing all the talking, meanwhile, she stood behind her brother with her stuffed animal tight in her arms. I gently sat the vase on the counter as I stood up and asked a few more questions.

"Well, I'm Bada's friend. My name's Luna, what are your names?" I asked sweetly

"I'm Ha Joon and this is He Min," he said pointing to himself and his sister.

"It's really nice to meet the both of you. Were you guys looking for some food to make?" I asked staring at the messed-up kitchen. They both nodded their heads.

"I can make you guys some breakfast, is there anything specific you guys want to eat?" I asked sweetly.

"My sister wanted to eat chocolate pancakes, I'll eat anything," Ha Joon said.

"Alrighty, before I start cooking, are there any allergies I need to be aware of?" I asked as a precaution. They both shook their heads no. I nodded and made my way to the kitchen.

"You guys can watch some t.v. while I start cooking. I'll let you know when everything is done," I said as I started picking up the contents on the countertop. They both went over and sat on the couch to watch morning cartoons and I got to cooking breakfast. I was in the middle of making the pancake batter when all of a sudden He Min came over and tugged on the end of my sweatshirt.

"Could I get a glass of milk please," she said with her little puppy dog eyes. These were the cutest kids ever. I almost collapsed from the amount of cuteness from her.

"Of course my love," I said patting her head and making my way to the fridge. I got the milk out and poured her some. Then I handed the cup to her and she took a sip. I thought that she'd go back to the couch to watch cartoons but she just stood there.

"You wanna help me make breakfast?" I asked sweetly. Her most big doed eyes brightened and she nodded her head excitedly. I picked her up and sat her on the island counter and she helped me add ingredients and mix the pancake batter.

"Can we add sprinkles," she asked mixing the batter.

"Of course we can, hold on," I said as I moved to the baking cabinet. I remembered where everything was from baking in here the other day. I brought out a box that had all of these different sprinkles and sat them in front of her.

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