Chapter 2

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Luna's Pov

We finally made it to Korea!!! I'm so freaking excited, and I'm especially excited to get off this darn plane. Ugh this has been one of the longest trips I have ever taken in my life. Totally worth it though. Haneul and I make our way out of the plane and towards where our bags will be picked up. The airport here looks so much nicer than the ones in America. It's so clean and pretty. I can't believe I'm admiring an airport at my young age, that says a lot about me lol. We finally got our bags and headed towards the front of the airport to get an Uber. After waiting about five minutes, our driver came and helped us with our bags. I told the old man he didn't have to but he insisted. Haneul took this nice old man's kindness and ran with it. He literally left all the bags out for this man to put in the car. I swear Haneul isn't usually like this. When we first started dating he was nothing but respectful and kind. Somewhere during these past few months, his attitude has changed so much. All he ever does now is have nasty remarks and attitudes. He's taking Sassy Boy Nation to a whole new level I swear. Since Haneul went to sit in the car, I helped the old man out by picking up the heavy bags. The old man turned to me, sighed and said,

"Young men nowadays, they no nothing about chilvary. Back in my day, we treated a lady like she was the most precious gem to walk this earth. I hope he treats you right darling"

I looked at the old man with kind eyes and just nodded. I didn't really know what to tell him because honestly he was right. Haneul has changed but we've been together for so long. Before we started dating, me and Haneul were childhood best friends. We went from kindergarten to college together. That's also how I learned Korean. I would always be at his house with his family and the language kinda just stuck to me. Next thing I knew, I was fluent and in on all their family conversations (I heard all the tea and family drama😏).

As we both finished putting the luggage in the car, we set off on our way to our new apartment. The drive took around thirty minutes but I didn't mind because the scenery was beautiful. Sitting in this car just admiring the streets of Seoul is so content to me at this moment. Like nothing could possibly break my mood. But then I hear this agitating and degrading voice (lol the amount of TikTok memes imma use in here is unhealthy 🤣)

Haneul taps me on the knee and tells me our plans for tonight.

"So tonight we got a party to go to. And before you get all annoying with me, it's just a small gathering. A few of my friends and I heard some of your friends will be there too, so no need to get all upset" he says as he rolls his eyes on that last part.

I nod but stay silent. I don't mind going to this party, I just wish it was tomorrow or something. Like dang, can't a girl sleep with all this jet lag? Well I guess it's a good idea to stay up so I can adjust my sleeping schedule to the time over here. The rest of the car ride was silent. The only sounds were coming from the radio and the old man who was softly humming. We made it to our apartment after the car ride. Before our driver leaves I thank him for driving us and wish him well because he was so kind. I also have a spot for old people. Idk they're just so stinking cute and adorable. I can't help but to love all of them. At our apartment, there aren't any movers. I had a close friend make sure all our things were ready to go so that when we got here we could just unpack our luggage and relax. Before heading inside, I have to admire this gorgeous building. We decided we wanted a minimalist vibe for our new home. It definitely gave that! I'm so excited to finally see the inside in person for the first time. We walk up to the receptionist who checks our IDs and gives us all our keys. Although our doors have smart keypad locks, she told us these were for emergencies or if the keypad dies. I thank her and we head to the elevator. In it, I let out a breath of fresh air. Haneul just looks at me.

"Baby, what has been up with you today? Throughout this entire trip, you've barely spoken to me and you've been mean. What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy now that we've moved here and we can start a new life together." I told Haneul as my head falls to the floor.

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