Chapter 33

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Bada and I were driving to the destination as we listened to soothing music. I was still kind of processing everything that happened a few minutes ago. I swear Bada makes me into a whole other person. I never imagined myself doing that to someone, but here I am.

Although I was still on the fence about having sex, I didn't mind doing things like that for Bada. Just because I'm still indecisive about it, it doesn't mean Bada has to be touch-deprived until I make up my mind. I enjoy making her feel good whether that be emotionally or physically.

Bada can see me lost in thought so she takes my left hand in her right as she drives down the highway. I truly loved Bada so much and sharing such an intimate moment with her like that brought our connection stronger together. Seeing her so delicate under me made me feel good knowing I was the one who made her feel like that.

It took a good thirty-five minutes to get to the restaurant so we were a tad bit late. Nothing too crazy though, just a little over five minutes late. Bada came around to open my door and we walked hand in hand to the door. When we got into the restaurant, my jaw dropped at the beautiful scenery. It was a very elegant Italian place and everyone was dressed up in gorgeous attire.

"We're here for the reservation under Lee," Bada tells the man at the entrance. He looks up and stares at us, his eyes staying on me for a beat too long, then nods while looking at the tablet in front of him. He then ushers us across the room. I thought we were sitting in the hall down here but to my surprise, there's another floor so we hop onto an elevator. When we get off, he leads us to a room in the far back that's away from most of the restaurant.

"Here you are," he says holding a door open for us to enter. Just when I thought I couldn't get any more wowed, I found Bada's brother and his family seated in a private room. It was beautiful. Before I could even step into the room, the kids ran up to Bada and I almost knocking us over.

"Kids, come sit down. Let them get settled in here," Dae Hyun says.

"It's alright," I say picking up He-min. We talked to the table with Ha-Joon tugging on my dress as he walked to his seat.

"Hi my babies," I exclaimed excited to see them.

"I wanna sit next to Luna," Ha-joon yelled and He-min protested the same. 

"Kids, inside voices," Soo-min said.

"And this is exactly why we got a private room. Can't bring these rascals nowhere nice," Dae Hyun says sighing but He-min sticks her tongue out at him which makes me and Bada laugh. The kids were still being fussy so I decided they could sit next to me. I got a chair and brought it next to my seat and sat the kids in it.

"Don't you guys wanna see me," Bada says holding her arms out to pick up one of them but they both come and cuddle closer to me which makes some giggle.

"It's her motherly instinct," Soo-min says with a proud smile but Bada huffs out a sigh.

"I guess you all don't love me anymore," Bada fake cried wiping away her imaginary tears. He-min who was on my lap brought one of her hands out to hold onto Bada's hand but I was still holding most of her.

"Just face the facts Bada, you've been replaced," I say with a victory smile.

"Guess you guys don't want the gifts I got you since I'm not your favorite anymore," Bada said which got the kid's attention.

"Bribery doesn't work on my babies," I said but was proven very much wrong when Ha-joon got up from the table and went to Bada's lap. Wow, traitor. The switch-up was real quick.

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