XVII (Epilogue)

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1 week later


I wake up at the sight of sunrise, and I start my day.

First of all: breakfast. I make a fire outside and crack some eggs into a pan. I hold the pan over the fire for a few minutes. Then, I grab some quartz plates and I put an egg on each plate. There's 4.

I immediately call Etho and Cleo who tiredly walk over to the room and start eating. I check on Etho's Dishwasher (who is now only one small magma cube for some reason) and I put a few sparks in his vivarium and he starts to eat them.

There's a knock at the door; It's Martyn.
"Hey!" I say, "I have a plate for you!" I hand him an egg and he smiles and starts to eat.


The first thing I do after breakfast is head down to the rest of the mounders. The three of us take turns asking each other questions every morning. Today is my turn.
"What's your question, Joel?" Bdubs asks.
I think, and then ask, "What is your least favourite animal?"
The others say their answers, and then I say, "Mine is horses." I killed Etho's horse out of victory for what happened a week ago and I haven't looked back.

"Wow that's... interesting," says Pearl.
I walk back up to my fairground on the mound and start working on fixing my armour.


"Good morning!" I say to Scott and Impulse in front of me as we stand in a triangular shape.
"Hi!" Impulse says. Scott waves.
"What are you both going to do today?" Impulse asks, and Scott says:
"I might try to get some netherite," and I say:
"I'll get some wood to try and extend our base,"
"We don't need an extension, though," Scott says.
"I thought I might make a secret bunker," I reply, "You never know when you might need it,"


My outpost is looking as good as new!

I got a shock when I came home from the End and saw the giant pit inside my house, but I soon fixed it up with more wood and now I'm back in business.

"Can I get the..." Joel begins, but stops talking when he notices a bone inside of the display case, "What's this bone doing here?"
"Oh, that's Lizzie's spine," I say, casually, "Want to buy it?"
"Okay," Joel says, pulling out a diamond. He hands it to me and I take it before opening the display case and taking out the bone.
"Thanks," he says.


I was thinking of turning the Heart Foundation into a Chaos Foundation, but after recent events I don't think I want to anymore.

There's so many last lives! Me, BigB, Joel, Bdubs, Gem, Skizz, and Martyn, of course.

It's morning, and BigB and I are working on rebuilding the heart in the sky. Skizz is collecting materials from the nearby cherry trees. Scott and Impulse come along.
"Hi!" Scott yells from below.
"Hi Scott!" BigB yells back. Scott and Impulse climb up the ladder just as I place the last block on the wall. BigB continues to work on the roof.
Scott leans against the wall and says:
"This is nice,"
"Are you supporting the Heart Foundation, then?" I ask Scott, and he nods.

"I think we should have a party to celebrate the rebuilt heart," BigB says, jumping down.
"Good idea!" Impulse says enthusiastically. I agree.
Skizz comes back from collecting resources and he pulls out paper. We each write an invite to each person in the land.
"I have a jukebox," Scott says, "Shall I get it?"
"Ooh, yes," I say, and Scott leaves the heart.
I hold the invites for Grian, Cleo and Etho in my hand as I walk up to the door. I knock and Grian opens it.
"Hi Tango!" Grian says.
"Hello! So, I have some invitations to a party we're holding tonight to celebrate the rebuilding of the Heart Foundation,"
"Ooh okay," Grian says, taking the invites from me. He calls Cleo and Etho and I walk away from the castle.

A few hours later


Music is playing in the background as I watch everyone dancing in the moonlight. We're on the leaves below the new heart and it is a happy atmosphere. My arm is still in a cast and it still hurts like hell, so I avoid as much movement as possible.

The music switches from Mall to Strad and everyone stops dancing and goes to help themselves to food.

I'm still sitting on a bench when Scott walks up to me.
"Here's a golden carrot," he says, holding out the shiny vegetable to me.
"Thanks," I say, and I take the food out of his hand with my good arm and I begin munching on it. It tastes divine. Scott sits down next to me, and says:
"I miss Jimmy."
"Me too," I say.
We sit there for a bit, in silence. The music changes to Cat, and Joel and Etho are already dancing on the leaves.
"Do you want to go to the dance floor?" Scott asks me.
"Alright," I say.

I try my best to keep my arm still as I move to the beat. Joel starts breakdancing, and a lot of people surround him, clapping.

Finally, everything feels okay.

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