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Something about today feels abnormal. Yesterday, the chaos of the warden and wither fight killed Jimmy and Mumbo. I'm extremely sad about Jimmy.

I walk out of my house to Gem and Impulse. Gem says
"Oh good, you're here!"

"You both okay?" I ask, looking at Gem's serious face and then at Impulse's confused one.
"Yeah, I'm alright," Impulse replies.
"Well..." Gem starts to say something,
"What is it?" I say,
"You might want to stay away from me. I... have some issues. So stay away from me, just for a little while."

"Okay?" Impulse says.
"Right." I say. I wonder what she's going through. Whatever it is, she doesn't want to say, so I won't ask.


What is happening to me?

Ever since I opened the portal, I've felt weird.

As I walk over to the grey statue in the middle of our island, I see Martyn walking there as well. He looks sad, and I understand. 3 people died yesterday. Two of them were on his team.

I see Scott in the distance and watch them talk for a bit.

Suddenly, I look down at my hand and I notice it is starting to turn a dark green. My skin bubbles as the colour snakes up my arm and I run back to my base. I rush to the lake and look at my reflection. My cheeks have begun to change colour and my eye colour is turning red. I watch as my pale skin is evaporated with the green colour and my heart aches like crazy.

Before I pass out, my mind has one sentence on my brain.
"Kill everyone."


"Hi Gem!" I smile to see Gem walk into my trading post. My smile fades a little as I notice she doesn't look normal. Her skin is almost green!

"Hi Scar. Can you come here for a second?"
I decide to and I walk outside with Gem. My area is covered with pink buttons.

"What are these?" I ask her.
Gem looks at me and requests:
"Can you press one of these?"
Suspicious, I pull out my bow and shoot a button. "Hm, what about this one?" Gem gives a slight smile as I shoot the one she indicated.

Suddenly, TNT creates an explosion and a large pit in my area, but not enough to hurt me since I pushed the button from a distance.
"What on earth?" I exclaim, before Gem pulls out her sword and swings it at me.
I dodge and run away from her, terrified. Why is she trying to kill me?!

"You're lucky this time!" Gem - or is it Gem? - shouts after me just before I run out of earshot.


Swing, slice, gain the exp. Swing, slice, gain the exp. Swing, slice, gain the exp.

Skeletons are dying faster than I'm gaining exp. All is well until I see tens of spiders appear at the doorway. I can just let out a scream before hundreds of spiders completely surround me.

I bet Martyn did this. He's always doing things like this. I heard he has already killed Scott today. But instead of killing me, the spiders bite at my legs and arms, and I see my skin change colour to green, like the colour of grass.

If it wasn't Martyn, then who did this?

Everything turns black.


"Did you hear what happened to Bdubs?" Cleo asks as she sharpens her sword.
"No, what happened?" I ask. I'm trying to work out the best way to feed Etho's Dishwasher, which is the name of my magma cube. Why did I keep a magma cube as a pet? I can't even remember.

"Apparently he got surrounded by spiders. They killed him."
"So he's on his last life?" Etho adds.
"I think so."
"Who did you hear this from?" I enquire. Surely Cleo has heard this from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. I usually know every death that happens in this land.

"Joel. He heard it from Martyn who saw it happen with Gem."
Hm. Joel isn't one to lie.
"Wow." Etho says.

I break part of the glass and drop a stick that is engulfed with fire. I don't know what gave Tango the idea to decorate Etho's Dishwasher's vivarium with moss, but it helped in spreading the fire. I quickly place the glass back and watch as the magma cube chomps down on the flames.

I see Scar at the door of our house, and he knocks.
"Come in!" Cleo yells.
Scar bursts in and says
"Guys, something's wrong with Gem!"

The Apocalypse - Secret Life SMPOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz