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If there's one thing I don't like, it's being restrained. Pearl and Impulse's grips on me are firm, and I don't think I can get out of them.

Gem beckons the zombies restraining us forwards, and I'm forced to move to right in front of Martyn. He doesn't look scared, just a little annoyed, which is probably what I'd be like if I had a sword held to my throat. I don't bother to struggle, since they'll probably kill me right now before I have a chance to escape.

"Martyn, why did you choose to betray us?" Gem's voice is cold and sour, "You knew of the consequences,"
Martyn says nothing.
"Is he doing, like, a silent protest or something?" Joel laughs.
"You know, I was just going to slit your throat, right here, right now. But I feel like I can do better. You're the only person here I get to kill and not control, so you might as well go out in agony." She grins and takes the sword away from his neck. It leaves a red mark.

Gem is still holding Martyn with her arm, and she says to the other zombies:
"Take all of their armour off."
Impulse and Pearl pull off my chestplate, boots and leggings. I have normal clothes on, but I feel very unprotected all the same.

Tango and Joel take off Martyn's armour, while Scar and BigB take off Grian's. Etho and Bdubs take off Cleo's. The armour is thrust into a pile on the floor.

"I think..." Gem begins, "Martyn should die to an anvil. He's hurt enough people with that. Joel?"
"On it," Joel says,
"Whereas you three. Well, I might as well throw you all into the end where you fight the ender dragon with nothing but your fists. Tango, work on making end crystals."
"Okay." says Tango.

"This is going to be fun," she says.


There's one question going around my mind:
Since when did zombies get so smart?

Scar pulls me away from the others and walks me to his base. Although it's a ruin, I notice that there's a box in the house, and it's made of obsidian.

Scar pushes me in and blocks up the door with more obsidian, and I'm plunged into darkness. I feel in my trouser pocket for the sculk catalyst; It's still there.

Several days later


I wake up to the sight of light. Etho breaks the obsidian around me and then drags me by my arm to where all the other zombies are. Gem smiles to see me and I notice that all of the other remaining humans are there.

"Scar, take the blaze rods," Gem throws some yellow sticks at Scar, "Etho, take some cobblestone,"
Rocks are thrown at me and I have a temptation to duck but then I would not even have a chance to escape. Etho's hand is tightly on my arm anyway, so I can barely move.

Grian looks at me, and I suddenly realise what he's up to.


Getting a blaze rod off Scar was easy, as he put it in his pocket. I watch Cleo's hand as she picks up a slate of cobblestone from the pile in one of Etho's hands. It slips neatly into her palm. Now we get the rotten flesh. That's not too hard. We're surrounded by zombies, after all.

Scott notices what we're doing and nods at me. In his hand, he has a piece of Pearl's zombie skin. I nod back.
We need water bottles now. I see Martyn look at me. He is able to access an empty bottle which is in Gem's pocket. Trust Gem to carry potions with her.

We're taken to a birch biome, where there is a tunnel down. Martyn goes down first, managing to slip the bottle into my pocket as he does so. Cleo goes down, and she passes me the slate of cobblestone which I put in my pocket. I wonder how my pockets fit this much.

I'm taken down the staircase, and I arrive in front of the end portal. Scott comes down after me. Gem passes Martyn to Joel and then jumps into the portal.

Cleo and Etho drop into the portal, followed by Scott, Impulse and Pearl and finally me and Scar.

We're about to die, but we're so close to stopping this apocalypse as well.

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