Chapter 5 - Filth

Começar do início


The next day Lauren spent mostly inside. She hadn't had any customers (which wasn't really much of a surprise) and her little vintage project was crushed under Megatron into a rather flat piece of metal.

Five pm rolled around and an insatiable boredom overtook her. There was nothing on TV, no chores to do around the house, no nothing.

She hated days like that.

There was one thing she could do, but was she really bored enough?

...Yes, she was bored enough.

With a groan, Lauren got to her feet collected her cat keys, the remaining dish soap, and a bucket.

The car was long overdue for a good wash.

Hopping into the driver's seat, she pulled the vehicle around to the front of the barn where the hose was. It was a barn after all, livestock are messy, not that she'd ever dealt with them.

She parked and hopped out with a slam of her door. Around the side of the barn, she retrieved green hose and hoisted it back to the front with some effort.

The telltale creak of the barn door caught her attention and she glanced up to Megatron.

"I'm going to wash the car." Lauren informed as she filled her bucket with soapy water.

Megatron made his way past her and took a seat on the dirt path where he allowed himself to stretch, his back was to her as she hosed down her car.

A smile crept onto her lips as an idea came to mind. She half thought about backing out, because it could possibly mean her certain death, but hell, what did she really have to lose? Her life, sure, but what else? Some old junk she'd put back together?

So yeah, not much to lose.

Lauren took the hose and sprayed the decepticon, before turning back to her car hastily. She bit down on her lower lip to stifle a growing giggle.

Megatron growled over his shoulder. "I'd be careful if I were you, girl."

"I didn't do anything." It took everything in her not to laugh as she ran a soapy sponge over the window. The sun was setting which allowed a respite from the ruthless heat.

He bared his teeth. "Do not take me for a fool." And with that he turned away again.

Attempt one: success. Did not die.

Try again? Yes or no?


She tried her luck for a second time, and sprayed him once more.

This time he rose to his feet swiftly and approached. Her face was flushing is her attempt to not laugh, pretending to just be washing the window in the same spot.

Abruptly she was hoisted off the ground and dangled about twenty feet in the air, hose still in hand.

"You are testing my patience, insect." He hissed maliciously.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was funny." She admitted. "Honest!"

He glared. "I am not amused."

"It's just water." She defended, her eyes caught sight of the water running off his form, muddy and certainly not clean. "Plus, you're filthy." The brunette added blatantly.

His glare intensified. "There is no need in informing me of things I am already aware of. And your pheromones and organic scent are volatile."

She gasped. "They are not! I shower!" Lauren sprayed him with the hose once more in an act of defiance.

The water that came off the mech was, in few words, disgusting.

"Do you want me to wash you- do you want to wash yourself?" Lauren added the last part quickly. A small part of her forgot that he was, in fact, his own living, sentient being and not just something she fixed.

Megatron glowered. "I do not wish to rust further, girl."

"You can always dry off, y'know."

"Then I suggest you work fast." He growled.

"If you want me to do it, then you have to put me down."

Megatron dropped her a few feet from the ground. She stumbled slightly as she caught her balance.

"Come." Lauren gestured with her hand towards herself.

The mech reluctantly resumed his seated position, his knees spread and propped to his chest, his arms rested atop stiffly.

Lauren hummed to herself as she hosed down the robot. All was quiet, save for the occasional grumble from Megatron and the chirping of crickets.

She could really use a 'How to Care For Your Alien Robot For Dummies' book. Would makes things ten times easier.

Once hosed down, Lauren grabbed her soapy sponge and made do.

Dutifully, she rid the mech of his long built up grime, occasionally she'd glance up curiously, as to make sure he wouldn't bite her head off.

"It's rude to stare, did your creators never teach you manners?" Megatron sniped as his optics shifted down to her.

"Sorry." The apology flew from her lips reflexively as she wiped down his torso area. He was a lot bigger than she had originally thought. She would need more soap at the rate she was going.

"What do you transform into?" Lauren quipped curiously in an attempt at small talk as she hosed off his lower extremities.

"What reason do you ask for?" He questioned back with the narrowing of his ruby optics, his tone dripped with accusations unknown.

"Curious. I've seen some stuff on TV, but never in person." She refilled her soapy bucket. "I wasn't sure if you all turned into the same things." She added. "I can't really reach your upper area."

Megatron shifted his sights to the small woman before scooping her into his palm with no warning.

Lauren yelped, but caught her bearings as he brought her to his lower chin area, his exhale was powerful and warm. With caution, she got to her feet. She felt like the smallest gust of wind would knock her over and she'd plummet to her demise.

Gently (and with the fear of falling) Lauren cleaned the mechs neck area.

"In this current cycle, it's an Earthly military truck." Megatron grumbled lowly not at all pleased by his own answer.

Lauren hummed in acknowledgment. "That's an interesting choice, but I can see it."

"It is barely fitting of a decepticon."

"Is that what you are?" She questioned, moving to his right shoulder servo. "A decepticon?"

Megatron grumbled. "I am Lord Megatron, leader of the decepticons." His statement was said sternly with an underlying harshness, overwhelming authority bled into his words (near constantly).

She hummed once more, but made no move to respond as she rinsed away the suds she'd accumulated. His grime turned the water murky, but revealed shiner metals, her very own handy work, and some small clusters of long built up rust that she hadn't noticed before.

"Alright, bud I think I'm about done." Lauren looked him over once. "Could you put me down, please?"

Primus, Megatron felt almost like new. "You'd be wise to uphold a schedule." He lowered his palm and she slid off with ease.

"Is that your way of asking me to do is again? Just don't go rolling in mud." Her feet splashed in a small puddle.

"I would never, bug." He half growled at her grotesque insinuation.

"Mhm. Okay." Lauren waved him off as she moved to turn the hose off. Water and soap soaked her clothing while mud caked onto her bare feet.

She made her way back to the mech, hands crossed over her chest. "I'd dry you but I'm soaking wet."

"Go, girl. I don't want your filth to transfer to me."

"Yeah, you're welcome." She shrugged before moving to go back to her home and shower herself.

Her car remained half washed. 

Make sure to vote on the story! It really helps out! I love you all and I'll see you next chapter! ♡

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora