The lug nuts gave her a little more than some trouble, rust secured them in place and it took all her body weight to wrench them out without snapping her wrench in two. Once the nuts were gone the tire all, but fell off the rotor in a heap of dust and dirt.

Four tires later, Lauren was guzzling water greedily as she used her free hand to wipe sweat from her face. Through the cracks of the barn, she could subtly make out the colors of a setting sun. It couldn't be that time already, could it? She glanced to her phone. "Damn." She huffed. Seven came quicker with each passing day.

They weren't kidding, time flies when you get older. Not that twenty-three was 'old', but her back would care to disagree.

Lauren tossed the microfiber cloth aside and switched off the radio before making her way out of the large wooden structure.

A breeze graced her moist skin and she savored the feeling as it swept through her damp hair. Maybe she didn't need to fix the fan, she could always just leave the barn door open, but then there were bugs and all things flying. She groaned.

Securing the barn door in place, she made way up the dirt path to her home.

It was a good size, definitely not something she could ever afford on her own, at least not until she hit fifty (at least). And that'd be okay with her. She was one person and before she inherited the farm home, she lived comfortably in a studio apartment in Houston. However, having a shop, her own shop, within throwing distance was nice, she would admit (even if she was in the middle of nowhere).

It was quiet and far from people, far from the city. Far from reality. And she liked it, preferred it, that way.

Climbing the porch, she meandered inside, greeted by the air conditioning as she kicked off her work boots.

A thorough shower and microwavable dinner later, Lauren was sat on the couch, flipping through cable channels, a yawn escaped her as she settled on a familiar game show.

"Remember Chicago, silence is as bad as doing nothing. Report alien-" Lauren shut the TV off in one click. "Fucking stupid..." She half mumbled, half yawned as she curled upon her side, leaving the remains of her dinner upon the coffee table to be tomorrow's problem.

Sleep came quickly as the old (almost vintage) couch cradled her sore joints and her full stomach lulled her into blissful unconsciousness.


Megatron was pushing it. He wasn't sure how much longer he could carry on.

There had been many cycles when he'd considered praying to the Allspark for help, but he'd shut that thought down every time, but now, he really was considering it.

He swerved slightly as he sped down a desolate road, farm land and empty fields on either side of him. Keeping focus was becoming more difficult with each passing joor. His headlights flickered. He would need to stop before he went offline automatically. Recharge.

In the distance, his optics spotted a structure. It's integrity was questionable, but it seemed to stand alone mostly.

It would be suitable for the night, it had to be. He would make it suitable if need be.

He trudged on, closing the gap between him and the wood structure.

Less than swiftly, he transformed throwing cautionary glances in every direction. There was not a human for several miles in each direction. Petrolex leaked from his chasis and he coughed harshly. The decepticon hunched onto his knee servos and hands. He was weak and he hated it. Loathed the very thought that he, leader of the decepticons, was weakened.

Megatron crawled toward the structure, pulled the doors back, and forced himself inside. He was drifting between online and offline.

Another cough escaped him, bringing up Energon with it and without a second thought, he offlined sending his form cashing to the ground with no regard to his dwindling physical integrity.


Lauren startled awake as a rumble shook the foundation of the old home. Half lidded eyes searched the area quickly. The lamp toppled to the ground and she jumped.

She cursed as she tossed the blanket off her lap. A fucking earthquake? In Texas?! The ground rumbled slightly again before a crashing sound ripped through the silence.

"No, no, no!" Lauren mumbled as she burst through the front door in her socks and up the dirt path, a flashlight in hand. That sound only could've come from her shop, which meant something was definitely broken. Most likely something she definitely couldn't afford to replace.

"Ow, fuck-" The brunette cursed as she stepped on a small pebble racing up to the ajar doors of her barn-shop.

Words could not have prepared her for what she saw.

Oh, stuff was broken all right. That gorgeous 1956 Oldsmobile Super 88? Flattened. The small bot she had been trying to build? No more. Her already broken fan? Demolished.

And she would've been mad, no, pissed, but surprise and downright shock came first and foremost.

A robot- a mech- laid in her destroyed stuffs' place.

To call it 'big' would've been an understatement. It was huge! Hardly fit in the barn at all. She shone her light over the thing as she crept passed its foot and around the side.

Varying shades of gray and black colored the large bot.

Hesitantly she stalked up to its side and kicked it with her foot. Is it dead? She found herself asking. It didn't react or make any move to respond to her touch.

"Remember Chicago, silence is as bad as doing nothing. Report alien activity." She remembered the commercial abruptly.

Lauren snorted. Yeah right. How many people in the world can say they got to work on an alien? Alien robot at that. Well, maybe a few people could say they've done that, but she would be damned not to be in that handful of people.

Plus, she had an idea about what would come of the bot if she did call that stupid number. Not to mention the whirlwind of legal trouble she'd probably be in.

Nope. Not happening.

If this was her problem, then she'd accept it with open arms.

What could really go wrong?

Make sure to vote on the story! It really helps out! I love you all and I'll see you next chapter! ♡

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