ch 26 |•| the best day of my life

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Clara let out a soft groan as she slowly sat up groggily. She had had nightmare after nightmare and the last thing she wanted to do was get out of bed. But she forced herself to get up and make her way over to the bathroom to take a long hot shower.

Her mind was reeling with all sorts of thoughts. She didn't want to think about them anymore. She just wanted it all to be quiet. By the time she was out of the shower the sun had risen and the house was bustling with life. She put on a pair of grey sweatpants and matching hoodie before making her way down the stairs where Romeo was in the kitchen. He heard the little pitter patter of her feet making him turn around with a smile.

"Good morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?" He asked softly as he placed a small plate of food in front of her.

"I slept ok." She muttered dryly in response as she picked up a fork and started eating. She sank into her thoughts as Romeo watched her carefully. He had noticed his sister seemed out of it. Like she'd rather be anywhere but there. He hated the empty look in her eyes and he wasn't sure where it had come from.

His sister was ok one day and the next she was wrecked. Which made him think was she ever ok or had he just deluded himself into believing she was ok? Because that eased  his guilt. That made him feel less like a failure. He couldn't protect his sister when she truly needed him and now she had a threat up against her and he still couldn't do anything to help her. What kind of a brother was he? How could his baby sister have gone through so much whilst he sat pretty with a silver spoon in his mouth. She hadn't deserved what had happened to her just like he hadn't deserved what he had.

Clara slowly looked up at her brother. She wished she was more like Romeo. He always seemed to be so out together and ready. She had never seen him make a mistake. Ever. That scared her. Because how could she ever live up to that? How cold she ever be what anyone expected her to be when she could barely even get up in the mornings?

She looked over every single one of his features before letting out a soft breath. She wanted him to say something. Anything. Anything at all. She hesitated a moment before slowly calling his name snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah?" He said tilting his head as he set his cup of coffee down. Clara panicked.

She had no specific topic of conversation she just wanted him to speak to her like nothing was wrong. Because maybe if everyone else acted like nothing was wrong she could do the same and things would go back to normal. Or as normal as she hoped they could be.

"Erm... uh do you want to go on a walk?" She said before immediately cringing at herself. A walk? Even she didn't want to go in a walk. She opened her mouth again to take it back but before she could Romeo interrupted her.

"I'd love to!" He said as he put his coffee down. "Let me go shower and get ready then we can head out," he said with  a smile so big Clara was sure his cheeks hurt. Well there was no way she could take it back now. She gave him a small smile back before watching him leave the kitchen.

She smiled slightly glad he was so excited to just spend time with her. That made her heart do the strange floppy thing. She slid off the island chair before making her own way upstairs to get ready.


"You wanna maybe get food now?" Romeo asked. The two had been walking for a while not really talking about anything important. Clara hesitated a moment before she nodded.

Romeo almost broke out into excited squeals as he started directing her towards the mall. A month ago she would've told him she wasn't hungry and asked to go back home. Maybe he wasn't as horrible of a brother as he thought. Maybe she actually was getting better. Recovery looked different for everyone.

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