Ch 16 |•| Well that was awkward

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"But that makes no sense because if you went back in time to talk to your younger self wouldn't you have the memory of your older self coming to talk to you?" Lucio said, his eyebrows furrowed as he leaned over the table passionately emphasising his point.

Amelia stared at him as if he was stupid before explaining her side of the argument just as animatedly. The rest of the group simply sat back and watched the two argue in amusement.

Clara looked down at the lunch Romeo had packed her as her smile slowly fell. She should eat it. He had taken time and effort to make that food for her. She would be a horrible person if she didn't eat it. Not to mention all the trouble they had gone through with following her diet plan. She had to eat it.

But she couldn't. It made her sick to her stomach to even imagine taking a bite.

It all started because she ate. None of it would have happened if she had just listened.

She stared at it for a moment before slowly closing the bag. She looked back up to see Keenan staring at her. It seemed their argument had came to an end and the group had moved on to a new topic.

"Aren't you going to eat your lunch?" He asked with his eyebrow raised.

Clara opened her mouth before taking a small breath. "I uhm. I had a big breakfast so I'm not really hungry." She said with a small nod. Keenan stared at her for a moment before smiling at her.

"Oh ok." He said with a shrug. Clara released the breath she wasn't even aware she was holding. "Do you wanna take a walk?" Keenan asked her after a beat of silence. "I need to stretch my legs," Clara looked at him in thought before she nodded.

She could do with a little walk.

"Yeah ok."  Keenan nodded at her as he scrunched up his now finished bag of crisps. He looked around for a bin before standing up with Clara following suit.

"We're gonna take a walk around. We'll be back." He said as the rest of their friends nodded.

The two made their way towards the bin so Keenan could discard his trash before they began roaming around the halls as they spoke about anything on their minds.

Clara couldn't help but feel closer to Keenan than she did the rest of them. Maybe it was because she met him first but it was safe to say he was definitely her favourite friend.

Not to mention the way he spoke enough for the both of them. Clara was quiet. That never stopped Keenan. He spoke, she listened.

Even Keenan was starting to feel closer to Clara. He was never really very close with anyone in the group as they had been a group before he joined. They always included him but sometimes he couldn't help but feel like he was intruding. They had their inside jokes and memories he could never catch up with.

But with Clara it was different. He felt like she actually wanted to hang out with him and didn't just feel obliged to.

The two eventually settled into a comfortable conversation about their agreed upon favourite movie. Clara had only recently gotten into movies thanks to Romeo.

At any chance he had, he would drag her down to the movie room and watch a movie with her. He called it their special bonding time and wouldn't let any of the other boys into the room.

It made feel special. He wanted to spend time with her. Not just that. He went out of his way to spend time with her. Surely he wouldn't go through all the trouble if he didn't want her.

"Her death was so unnecessary." Clara argued back turning her upper body to see Keenan better.

"If she hadn't died the plot would never progress. She was holding him back." He replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

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