Ch 5 |•| what a dumb name

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Clara was silent the whole ride back home. Emilio had tried to make conversation but Clara has shut him down each time with short answers. She had far too much on her mind.

Wha did Laura mean 'no! Daddy bad!' ? Were they in trouble? A million thoughts raced through her mind as she stared out the window marvelling at the scenery. She let out a small breath before leaning back and clutching onto her seatbelt. She didn't really have a problem with cars anymore but the thought was always still at the back of her mind. The image of her mother's lifeless body half out the car window as the other half lay crushed under the weight of the car never failed to terrorise her. Clara clenched her eyes shut before shaking her head softly to rid herself from the thought.

"What are you thinking about tesoro?" Emilio asked as he had been watching her the whole time. He couldn't help it. Every time he looked at her he felt as though his heart would expand by three. The same heart he thought he had lost when she was ripped away from them.

"Nothing." She whispered back softly focusing her eyes back on the trees whipping past them. Emilio only nodded before looking at Andreas with concern plastered on his face. Andreas who had his eyes fixed on the road gave Emilio a small side eye letting him know that he had seen what Emilio was worried about.

They had known that Clara's mother had died in an accident but the weren't sure if Clara had been in the car or not. If she had it was not documented anywhere which was extremely suspicious. But the way she was acting. The way she had acted on the way there aswell signified that she was in the car. So then why were there no medical records? Or any police statements that there was a little girl in the car? They couldn't help but think about how strange it all was.

Emilio shook away the thought as he made a mental note to talk to Lorenzo about it later. Andreas slowed down the vehicle slightly hoping to offer Clara a little solace. It did as her tense frame untensed the slightest bit.

"When we get home I'll help you order the stuff for your room okay?" Emilio called out again making Clara nod as she was too far into her thoughts. She couldn't help but get frustrated at the fact that she couldn't remember anything clearly from the crash. She had only two images in her mind. The car flipping over and her mother's lifeless body. Apart from that she couldn't even remember the day it was on. Clara didn't know wether to be grateful about this fact or annoyed. But she had a slight feeling in her gut that something far more sinister was at work.

"We're home." Andreas announced as he parked in the garage pulling Clara out of her thoughts. Clara undid her seatbelt and stepped out the car as soon as it had stopped moving making her release a small puff of breath.

"Come let's go to the living room." Emilio said holding his hand out again. Clara took a small step back before slowly taking his hand. She was beginning to become less and less scared of Emilio much to her discomfort. She would much rather be scared and wary than not and do something stupid that would make them all turn on her. Fear was good. Because it meant she went above and beyond to stay out of there way. That's what she needed. To stay out of their way. If they barely even noticed her they would barely hurt her. But she couldn't help but be frustrated about tha fact that they simply wouldn't let her.

She was confused to say the least. They acted as though they actually cared about her. They showered her with questions and food and clothes. Things she didn't deserve. But why? Surely they would come to their senses soon and leve her alone. Clara just hoped they wouldn't take everything away from her as he had done. Even the thing she held most precious to her. Andrew had no problem ripping that away from her. Clara shook her head as Emilio dragged her into the living room. And jumping down onto the massive couch.

"Come let's get your stuff." He said picking up a laptop of the center table. Clara had seen laptops before but she had never used one. She had never really used any electronics before. Though she always thought they were so cool. With just one tap you could talk to someone halfway across the world. How cool is that!

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