Ch 13 |•| What a rude duck

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Emilio and Clara walked side by side in silence for a while. Emilio had made little quips and remarks here and there but they weren't really talking.

Emilio bit the inside of his cheek. He really wanted to talk to his little sister but he wasn't really sure how to. He didn't want to treat her any different but how could he not? Now that he knew what he knew everything was different.

"So, what's your favourite food?" He asked after a beat of silence making Clara look up at him.

"I like chicken nuggets." She muttered in reply making Emilio nod. He wanted more from her but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

He tended to get excited and when he did he would forget about the other person. He was oblivious. He knew he was oblivious. He didn't mean to hurt people he just sometimes did.

"Do have any hobbies?" He asked making Clara sigh.

"Uhm," she thought for a while. She wasn't sure. There wasn't much she liked doing as she was never really allowed to do anything. "I think I like sports." She said. She remembered enjoying PE whenever she could participate. But that wasn't often considering her injuries. She especially enjoyed soccer. She found she was quite good at kicking a ball around a field.

"Yeah? So does Andreas. He's really good at soccer." He said peaking the girls interest.

"I like soccer too." She muttered with a small smile making Emilio smile at her.

"Yeah? Well we can get him to play with you some time. I'm sure he'd like that." He remarked making Clara smile just a little wider.

"Where exactly are we going." She said as she looked around the path they had been on for quiet a while. It really was beautiful. The autumn breeze played a successful part in the sway of the orange trees. The leaves that littered the ground accented the atmosphere almost perfectly.

"There's this little clearing a little further down. There's this little pond there that we always used go." He said gesturing forward at the narrow path.


"Yep. Me you and dad. You used to love chasing the ducks around. You really were a little menace." He said with a small laugh.

Clara looked up at him before looking forward. She couldn't picture herself that way. Carefree. She just couldn't. Maybe it's because she had been conditioned into believing that nobody wanted that side of her. That people would only love her if she was silent. She bit her lip as her eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Now that she thought about it nobody had mentioned anything about their father. She had no clue where he was or what had happened to him. She had never really given it much thought but now that she had it seemed awfully suspicious.

"Emilio." She started making her older brother hum in response as he looked down at her. "Where is he?" She said making his eyebrows furrow in confusion.


"Our dad. Where is he?" Emilio stiffened as he stumbled slightly.

"Erm well." He stuttered as he thought of a palpable response.

Clara raised an eyebrow as she waited for his response. "Maybe you should ask Lorenzo. He's better suited to answer that." He finally settled in making Clara's suspicion increase by a tenfold.

"Why can't you just tell me?" She said making Emilio curse under his breath.

"Well erm. He passed away about three years ago." He said making Clara deflate. He was dead?

"Oh," she muttered out. That meant she was an orphan. They were all orphans. "How did he die?" She continued as Emilio wiped his sweaty hands off on the side of his trousers.

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