Ch 18 |•| Who else but me

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Lorenzo gently knocked on the door before looking back to a stern Romeo.

He gestured at the door with his head making Lorenzo roll his eyes before knocking again. "Clara?" He called out gently. Shuffling was heard from the other side before a small patter of footsteps. The two took a step back as the door slowly opened.

Clara poked her head out of the small creek with her eyes squinted at the light making both men soften at her cuteness. She looked up at them before slowly opening the door wider.

"Yes?" She said as she stood in the doorway. She stood there in a large t-shirt that looked like it belonged to Andreas. Her hair was messy and sat on top of her head as if she had just gotten out of bed. A red ring rimmed her eyes as well as dark circles as if she hadn't slept at all. She clutched onto the side of the shirt as she shuffled on her feet before looking down at the ground.

"Did you guys need something?" She asked again when no one said anything. Lorenzo looked back at Romeo who just raised his eyebrows in expectation. Lorenzo rolled his eyes again before turning towards Clara with a face filled with unease.

"Would you uhm, would you like to accompany me to work." He asked making Clara raise an eyebrow. Why was he so formal?

"Uhm I'd rather not." She replied in a small tone. In all honesty she was far too scared to leave her room let alone the house. She went to close the door before Romeo quickly put his hand over the knob.

"You haven't left your room all weekend. It'll be good for you." He interjected when Lorenzo stood there completely stricken. Clara had just said no to him.

It was a bittersweet moment really. Did that mean she was finally comfortable enough to set her boundaries? If she was that was good. That meant they we're making good progress. That meant she trusted him not to hurt her.


"No one's going to hurt you. I'll be right there the whole time." Lorenzo said as she looked up at him. Clara looked back down as if in thought before slowly nodding.

"Ok. Let me get ready." She said softly before slowly closing the door. She immediately rested her head against it before letting out a small groan. She took a deep breath reassuring herself before making her way towards the bathroom. Surely no one could hurt her if Lorenzo was right there. She couldn't really imagine anyone hurting Lorenzo.

He seemed invincible. He was strong.

Lorenzo turned to Emilio with a small smile. "That was good right?" He said making Romeo chuckle.

"Yes Lorenzo that was very good." He said giving him a small pat on the shoulder. "Now keep it up." He said his smile growing before walking away. Lorenzo watched him leave before shaking his head.

What a nuisance.

He looked back at Clara's door with a small smile before turning around and making his way down the stairs. He needed a coffee. Or maybe three.

He hadn't slept since Friday trying to find whoever was after Clara. He had his suspicions but he didn't want to do anything until he was certain. One wrong move and he could cause a mafia war. That was the last thing he wanted because family had always been a weakness.

Lorenzo had one problem. And that was that he loved too much. When he loved he loved with everything in him.

And his enemies knew that. They knew exactly who to target and he wasn't willing to risk it. He had done that once and lost almost everything.

He let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes with his right forefinger and thumb. He was exhausted. But he had to do something.

He needed Clara out of the house so they could do a full sweep for bugs or hidden cameras. He also needed to interview and check all of the staff he had anywhere near the house. He trusted his workers but he'd rather be safe than sorry.

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