Chapter 23.

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Tanner and I make our way back to camp hand in hand. I've made my decision and he's got my back no matter what, I guess this is what being in a relationship means, I don't know how the rest of the pack are going to react to any of this but for now I need to pay my mum a visit.

"What are you going to do about Cole?"

"I told him I'd be back later today to see mum so he's expecting me, but you're the only who knows what she's asked of me," I explain

"It's ok I won't say anything until you're back, I'll wait out here for you ok!"

I give him a quick peck on the lips before heading inside my mum's house, this time I call out as I enter letting Cole know I'm here.

"She's fading Bree, it might be time to say goodbye!"

I nod and make my way through to the bedroom, this might work out ok, I may not even have to tell anyone what really happens.

"Mum it's me, can I come in?"

"Yes, come through Brianna," she calls out weakly

I enter the room and make my way over to the bed where mums laying. I can hear her breathing heavily struggling to catch a good breath of air, she's pale and I can see her wounds still oozing thick black liquid.

"How are you feeling?"

"Enough of that have you made a decision?" she asks and I nod. "Well?"

"I'll do it, you're too weak to hold on any longer, I've thought about it a lot and well I'd only be helping you die in peace."

"Thank you Brianna," a small smile finds its way onto her face making me feel a little better about all of this.

"I don't want to hurt you," I say tears filling my eyes for the umpteenth time today

"It's ok, it won't take long," she explains in an attempt to comfort me over this. "Are you ready?"

I nod my head looking around the room as I wipe away any tears that had fallen. I take a step closer to the bed and pick up a fallen pillow from the ground, without another thought I take the pillow and cover her face with it, if I do it this way then people will think she died because of her wounds.

I feel her try and fight me off but she's weak, I press harder suffocating every last breath out of her body. Eventually after what feels like hours she stops fighting, her body goes limp beneath me and I can no longer feel her breathing or moving, I drop the pillow back to the floor and fall down after it, almost instantly I burst into tears.

My loud cries and sobs cause Cole to come running into the room, I don't even bother to look up when he enters. He lets out a loud roar collapsing to the floor beside me, we both cradle each other in the other's arms as our mother lies lifeless in the bed next to us.

"Cole I have to go, I can't stay here!" I say getting up and leaving the house.

I sprint outside and right into Tanner's arms sobbing my heart out, he grips me tightly as I cry uncontrollably, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go through with it but it done now and there's no going back.

"Are you ok?"

Just as Tanner asks a sudden stabbing pain fills my head, like fire burning its way through my skull, I collapse to the floor gripping both sides of my head, I let out an almighty scream of pain as I rock forward on my knees.

"Bree, what's happening?"

"It hurts so much," I cry. "Make it stop!"

"What's going on?"

"Is she ok?"

I hear other members of the pack ask as they arrive at the scene, I can't pay any attention to them as the feeling of fire travels from my head down my face into my cheeks, my lips and then back up into my head. I let out another scream of pain as I bring my head back up looking at everyone standing around watching me.

"Tanner it hurts," I cry out

"I don't know what's happening Bree, is this meant to happen?"

"Is what meant to happen? What's going on Tanner?" Leia asks firmly.

"She killed her mum," he says and I hear everyone gasp. "No it's not like that, Rose asked her to do it, she wants Bree to be Alpha and knew she was going to die anyway."

"She killed Rose!" Clark says shocked.

"You did what?" Cole snaps appearing out of nowhere.

In a split second I go from being in excruciating pain to having my brother pinned to the floor while I'm crouched over the top of him, I don't even know how it happened!

"Bree don't!" I hear Tanner say

"You killed her!" Cole barks at me, angering me more.

The pain in my head is still there but my focus is on him, never again will I let someone catch me off guard and hurt anyone I care for.

"She asked me to!" I snap back, anger surging through my body.

"Bree calm down," I head Justin say quietly from the back of the crowd

My head snaps up looking around everyone who's staring at me, I set eyes on everyone one by one, some look scared, others concerned.

"Bree your eyes!"

"What about them?" I hiss still crouching over Cole

"They're red!"

"Bright red," Tanner adds to Chase's statement

Tanner steps closer to me with an outstretched hand, it takes me a second but I take a couple of deep breaths and take his hand in mine. I step away from Cole and look at Tanner who's giving me a look telling me what I need to do, I nod knowing exactly what he means then turn to everyone else.

"I am the Alpha now!"

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