Chapter 7.

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I woke up this morning feeling fantastic, so fantastic that I jumped out of bed and bounced the whole way to the bathroom, once inside I stripped from my shorts and vest top I'd slept in threw them to the floor and jumped inside the shower cubical, I let the hot water wash over me rinsing away any and all dirt or sweat, after washing and cleaning my hair and body I stepped back out wrapping my body with a towel.

"Brianna are you up?" My dad called up the stairs as I made my way across the landing

"YEAH!" I shouted back

"Ok well I have to leave for work now so make sure you get yourself off to school."

"Ok bye," I say a little quieter then the front door slams shut signalling my dad had left.

I make my way into my bedroom and drop the towel covering my naked body to the floor, I stand butt-naked in front of my long mirror staring at myself, taking in every detail of my body, my hips had widened, my breasts had grown, my stomach is flatter, I looked good naked. Before I'd been disgusted at the sight of my body but now I'm proud of it, this new feeling inside me is making me more confident.

Pulling my eyes from the reflection of my new found curves I grab a clean pair of underwear and a bra from my top draw putting them on. I then rummage through my other draws to find something bold to wear, if I'm going to embrace my new curves I'm going to need something to show them off.

Eventually I find a pair of denim shorts and a low cut pink top, I pull both on, buttoning the shorts, they just fit me and my top fits perfectly over my new bust. Once dressed I grab my phone and keys placing them in my pocket then take a seat at my dresser to do my makeup.

Wanting to look different to how I would normally, I take a chance by doing something completely different. I apply my foundation as I would normally but instead of subtle I go all out, I apply eyeliner to both top and bottom lids, making my eye pop more than normal, then I add a little eye shadow and mascara to complete the smokey look. After that I add some colour to my cheeks with a bit of blush then lipstick to draw attention to my pout. Happy with my new look I twirl around in the mirror admiring myself, I am mid twirl when my hearing catches the sound of footsteps approaching my front door.

I run out my room at top speed and jump down the whole flight of stairs in one leap, landing right at the front door I take a hold of the handle and swing it open just as McKenna's hand reaches out to knock at the door.

"Morning," I say grinning from ear to ear.

"Wow you look different, good different, like wow," McKenna compliments me making my ego grow more.

"Thank you, I thought I'd try something new."

"Well it's definitely working for you."

"Shall we go?" I ask and McKenna nods agreeing.

When we arrive at school all my senses are on high alert, I can hear people whispering my name talking about me as we make our way through the crowds of students. Things like "wow" and "oh my god" are said repeatedly as I giggle to myself.

"What are you laughing about?"

"I can hear what everyone's saying," I whisper

"What are they saying?"

"Wow, oh my god, she's gorgeous. I like this new look if I get this kind of attention," I admit to McKenna who just rolls her eyes and pushes me playfully.

We enter the school building and everything fell silent, boys and girls were staring at me as if they'd just seen a ghost, McKenna turned to me nudging me in the side before we continued to walk through the silent hallway, more people whispered and pointed in our direction but I shrugged it off thinking nothing of it.

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