Chapter 20.

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"You know they're not going to be happy about this!" Tanner says as we load up the car that everyone shares, it's not often we use it but as we're going such a distance back into the city we thought it would be the best idea.

"I know, but I need to do this, they'll understand, I wrote a note. I'm going to post it under mum's door before we go," I explain.

"Well best do that now cause we're almost ready to leave."

I do as he says and run to mum's house to post the note, I slip it under the door and run back as quick as I can, jumping into the passenger's side just as he starts the car. Tanner puts the car in drive and turns out of the campsite, we have to bounce about on the uneven terrain for a good twenty minutes before we reach the road.

"So are you looking forward to seeing your friends?"

"I am but I'm so nervous, I haven't seen them in so long, what if they don't remember me."

"You've only been gone a month, 6 weeks at the most," Tanner laughs. "I'm sure they're not going forget you that easily."

"I 'suppose."

"And your dad, are you looking forward to seeing him?" Tanner asks and I pause before answering, I haven't thought about my dad the whole time I've been away.

After everything he's done, lying to me and hiding things from me, I don't think I'll ever forget about that, I may forgive him, but I'll never forget.

"I don't know," I answer honestly. "I don't know what to think about him anymore, he lied to me Tan, how do you get over that? Your own father lying to you your whole life."

"I don't know the answer to that Bree but I do know from experience you shouldn't hold a grudge. Things can happen in a split second and you don't get the time back that you lost."

Tanner gives me a look before turning his eyes back to the road, he may actually be right. On one hand yes my dad did lie to me my whole life but on the other hand he may have his reasons for doing it. I guess I never really gave him the chance to explain, argh I feel like a dick now.

It took us about three hours to drive from the campsite into the city, we arrived at around 12:15, thankfully with it being lunchtime dad wasn't home and won't be until about 6pm when he finishes work. Tanner pulled up on the driveway of my house and shut off the engine, we sit in silence for a minute, I feel nervous and scared, I have no idea why but my heart is racing and my mind is spinning.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine, come on, let's do this," I say opening the car door and stepping out.

I shut the door behind me and walk a little up the drive until Tanner catches up with me. I reach into my jean pocket and pull my house key out placing it in the front door. With a small turn and a wiggle of the lock the door swings open, my stomach drops.

The smell hits me first, a vile gut wrenching stench fills my nose causing me to heave, I back away from the door holding onto the wall as I double over. I feel as though my breakfast is going to come away from me any second, I can hear Tanner behind me also gagging.

"Oh my god, that's disgusting!"

After catching our breaths Tanner and I step inside what's left of my house. The place I once called home no longer looks like a home. It's a like a rubbish truck has reversed into my house dumped all its rubbish and left. Walking inside I see empty food containers with mould growing inside of them, rotting food with maggots crawling all over it and broken beer bottles all over the place. This is how my dad's been living, this is disgusting.

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