Chapter 12.

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"Do you have to go Bree? I could help you learn, I've looked up loads of things online that could help." McKenna asks from the other side of the couch

"I don't want to go anymore then you want me to, but I have to. Cole can help me with things that the internet simply can't provide, you know I'd love to stay here with you rather then go anywhere with him," I reply then take a sip of my Tea.

"Then take me with you!"

"It won't be safe Ken, please don't make this any harder for me then it already is."

"If it's not safe then you're not going!" She says with a firm tone

"I meant it's not safe for you, I'd love to take you with me, keep me sane around this pack of his but it's just not fair to put you in danger like that, once I've learnt everything I need to know I'll come back, I promise!"

"Pinkie swear," McKenna says bringing her hand up to my face extending her little finger.

"Pinkie swear!" I reply linking my pinkie with hers

I know it may seem lame but it's just a thing we've always done since we were kids, other promises that were made between us always seemed to get broken but never a pinkie swear. I set my attention back on the TV screen watching some random documentary about sharks that McKenna had put on when I feel her kick me in the leg.

"Owe, what was that for?"

"I can't believe you're leaving me!"

"It won't be for long," I say with one of my looks

"Don't give me that look Bree, I mean it, you better come back."

"I will!"

"What time are you leaving anyway?"

"Cole said he'll be round about 4 to pick me up, for some strange reason he told me to pack light as I won't need much so I'm just taking a ruck-sack," I explain

"That's a bit strange."

"Tell me about it, the kid is weird though I mean he pretended to like me to get close to me then told me he's my brother, well half-brother or whatever you want to call it, still, it's weird he would do that just to get close to me."

"Definitely a psycho, which is why I should come with you, to protect you!"

"Drop it Ken, you're not coming!"

The majority of our day is spent together lazing about on the sofa, drinking tea and watching stupid TV programmes that are really not that interesting. Doing this is also something McKenna and I would do randomly on weekends if we didn't want to go out and party or even if we just wanted a chilled night or day indoors away from society. Of course our perfect day was ruined when my dad got in.

"Brianna is that you?" He calls into the house

"Well it's not going to be anyone else is it?" I snap back sarcastically

I'm still pissed at him for not telling me about my mum being alive or about the fact that I had a brother. He doesn't even know that I'm leaving, I'm going to tell him before I go, which I know he's not going to be happy about.

"Don't speak to me like that," dad says as he enters the living room where McKenna and I are sat on the sofa. "Oh hello McKenna, how are you?"

"I'm good thank you," McKenna smiles politely at him.

"Brianna can I speak to you in the kitchen, alone please?"

I roll my eyes at McKenna showing my annoyance making her smirk, but her smile fades as I get up from the warmth of the sofa and make my way into the kitchen following my dad. I know things are about to kick off and I'm guessing McKenna knows too.

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