Chapter 11.

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I twist and turn dodging trees, bushes and other foliage as I sprint through the wooded area. My head is burning like someone has lit a fire inside my brain. My eyes are sore, as I try and blink away the pain my vision changes causing me to become confused for a split second.

Things that are at least 40 foot away now seem as though they are right there in front of me, but I know they're not as my vision then zooms back out. I've always known cats have good vision but I didn't think it was the same for dogs and wolves.

I dig my nails into the ground bringing myself to a halt, looking down it then hits me that I had been bounding around through the dark woods on all fours. I quickly stand composing myself brushing dead leaves and sticks off my clothes.

Why does this have to happen to me? What did I ever do to deserve this?

I slump to the floor bringing my knees up to my chest, then wrap my arms around myself, just like I had done in my room. A small sense of security fills me but I know I'm nowhere near safe, I mean I'm sitting in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night, yes I have claws but with no idea how to use them properly I'm scared I might hurt someone.

I tuck my head into my arms while breathing deeply, in through my nose and out through my mouth. In this attempt to calm myself down and take control of what's happening to me, I hear something in the distance. A rustling noise, like someone stepping into a pile of crunchy old leaves. My head snaps back up, I listen carefully trying to figure out what direction the noise came from, focusing my mind on listening to where the noise came from I hear other things.

Tiny little heart beats from the small mammals that scavenge throughout the woods, trees blow around in the whistling breeze as leaves and twigs circle my feet. Looking down I concentrate on a singular twig that's stuck on my heal, as I focus my vision once again zooms in on a minute ant scurrying up and down looking for a way down, I lean down and place the twig gently on the floor so the small insect can run free.

Standing back up straight I stop and think for a second, I need to embrace who I am, I need to accept what I am. If I don't do that then I am never going to have control, maybe that's the key to everything. If I can accept and embrace what I am then maybe I will learn to control what's happening to me. The only problem is I have no idea what I am capable of.

I guess I'll never know unless I test it!

Shaking off all feelings of fear and anxiety about hurting someone I turn facing a large tree just beside me. It's tall with a thick trunk, branches sprawling out in all directions. I take a stance in front of it, one foot in front of the other, I take a deep breath and clench my fist before bringing it back above my shoulder, as I exhale I swing my arm forward putting as much force as possible into my punch, a loud crack echo's throughout the scene, shocked I step back and take in what one punch was able to do.

Pieces of chipped bark fall from the gaping hole in the tree's bark, as I bend down to take a better look a crack appears above the whole stretching up to one of the larger braches extending out of the tree, a creaking sound fills my ears as I watch the crack make its way along the branch then a loud snap, the branch disconnects from the trunk falling forty feet and hitting the ground with a huge thud. I step back quickly making sure I'm out of the way encase anymore braches decide to fall.

I lift my hands up in front of my face shocked at the power behind them. They look small and delicate yet from what I just witnessed myself do they have obvious power behind them. I make a fist as tight as I can digging my normal nails into my hand, I feel no pain. I then open my hand to find blood dripping out of the nail size cuts I made in the palm of my hand, nothing, I feel nothing.

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