Chapter 18.

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My ears are ringing as I stare at nothing, just open space

in front of me, people rushing from one person to the next. I can see Justin hugging

his knees close to his chest rocking back and forth as Tanner tries to get his

attention, Leia and Chase are checking each other over for injuries and in the

background of all that I see Cole helping my mum away from the scene, his arm

placed under her shoulders supporting her weight as she limps away.

"Hey are you ok?" a deep voice asks, I hear him

but I don't respond, it's like my body is frozen. "Bree, are you ok?"

Again I don't respond I just stare at the silhouette in

front of me, I can see its Clark, I know he's concerned for me, it's written

across his face but I can't form words, I'm still in shock.

"Tanner I need you over here now," I hear Clark

call out, "She's not responding to me, I think she's in shock!"

Clark's face disappears from my view and is quickly replaced

by Tanner's, he's got blood dripping out of a hole in his lip and a graze on the

side of his face but other than that he looks ok, I feel his warm hands grip my

cheeks as he pulls my face closer to his.

"Bree listen to me, you're ok, everything is ok, we

won, you have to snap out of this!"

I can hear what he's saying, I want to move, I try to move,

to speak, but nothing!

"I'll handle this," I hear Leia in the distance.

Within seconds I'm slapped hard across face, instantly I

snap out of it and go right on the defence. I jump up from my seated position,

my feet planted firmly on the ground in a crouched position. When I realise it

was Leia that hit me and everyone around me are my pack members I relax a little,

two hands are placed on each of my arms helping me to a standing position.

"You did good kid," Leia smiles and pats me on the

shoulder, I nod thanking her for her compliment before she turns her back and

heads back to Chase.

"I killed someone!" I say in a whisper to myself

"It had to be done, he was going to kill you if you

didn't kill him Bree," Clark tells me in an attempt to reassure me.

"He's right Bree," I hear Tanner speak up.

"It was you or him, you did good!"

I shake my head, it may have been me or him but it still

doesn't feel good, I'm a murderer, whether it was self defence or not, I killed

someone. I turn away from everyone and start making my way back to Tanner's

house. It's on the way back that I remember I saw Cole helping my mum away from

the carnage.

"Mum! She's hurt!" I say aloud, more to myself

than anyone else.

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