Chapter 20: Ruby Goes Best With Emerald

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Macau never had a happy memory without his older brother in the picture. From the very beginning he may not feel as he is a whole Theerapanyakul, but he had always known he would always be Vegas' little brother. 

Macau's earliest memory of soft melodies and soothing lyrics had always been of Vegas lulling him to sleep, sometimes, when Macau was already old enough to retire from sleeping in a crib, his big brother would also bring his guitar and compose a lullaby for him. That's why when in distress, Macau would listen to voicemails Vegas had left, they're not songs, but hearing his hia's voice will never compare to any comfort that could come from anyone. 

For the longest time, for all hell they went and will go through, Macau had always known it would just be his hia and him against the world. Well, until now. 

Macau is still quite unsure of what to make of the current situation. Sitting on the floor, his back resting on his bed, he keeps on looking at the tracker for all the bracelets he had given the family and he never thought it would be possible to have all the blue dots in the same vicinity. In the beginning it used to bring a sense of calmness to Macau, knowing where everyone is even if they're not giving second thoughts of his whereabouts. Maybe, it was a bit of control of the unknown, maybe it's just pride of his work, or maybe, it's the pseudo connection he had been craving after it was ripped out of his grasp at a young age. 

He is so focused on it, trying to numb his mind on everything that he didn't notice someone entering his current room in the green house until he feels someone sitting next to him. 

"I watch yours too, you know." Macau almost jolts in surprise upon hearing Vegas. 

"What do you mean, hia?" He tilts his head, confused. 

"Sometimes, when you go out. Especially when you think none of us knew, I watch your blue dot until I see you entering your room." Vegas answers, pointing in the screen with his lips as he finishes. 

"How do you even have access to this?" Macau asked in surprise, but honestly, not entirely. 

"Macau, you are the most important person in my life." Vegas takes the laptop off his little brother's lap. "Of course, I would do anything just to know you're safe." Then pulls Macau to lay on his lap. 

Macau closes his eyes and holds onto his brother's hand. "That's not true though." He says quietly. 

Vegas hums in question and starts carding his fingers through Macau's hair with his other hand. 

"That I'm the most important person in your life. It's P'Pete now." Macau, upset as he is, still leans more to the touch. "I heard you say so." Then he looks at his brother and smiles sincerely. "It's okay though, I will sell you in exchange for a chicken nugget if P'Pete is ever hungry and we don't have food."

They both giggle and Vegas mocks slap his younger brother on his arm before planting a kiss on his temple. 

"The importance of Pete in my life is different than yours though. For him, I would gladly set myself ablaze if it would mean he wouldn't freeze to death. For you, I would go through hell and go back as its king just to make sure I have the power to protect you." Vegas explains. Macau can see the silent battle in his brother's mind so he decided to interfere. 

"Always the poet," Macau comments which made his older brother smile. "Hia, I would like you to know that you already went through all the circles of hell by being our father's son and my older brother. You could've not cared and made a run for it multiple times, but you stayed for me. You stayed alive for me." Macau squeezes his hand again. "Message received."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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