Chapter 19: Lord Of The Flies

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Pete has never been one for the books; he never even imagined getting back to his studies, but that's what living with Vegas and Macau brought about. The brothers never pressured him, not even a suggestion, but the more time he spent with the two made Pete realize how education could also be a part of his long list of skills to survive. In addition, he's technically unemployed after leaving his post from the main family's payroll and he has a son now–another human being that would actually depend on him for guidance.

The first few weeks were of him attending online classes and listening to English self-paced classes he and Porsche found as the other had also picked up on his education. Technically, Porsche is still on vacation before the next school year when he planned to attend his last year in university. But, given his current position in the family business, he's also trying to acquire a few soft skills. Alternatively, unlike before when he didn't have a choice to entertain himself, Pete now enjoys reading books from Vegas' personal collection and the extensive rows upon rows of books in the minor family mansion's library–the room that has been closed off for a very long time. Pete found out later on that this is the only room that still holds abundant memories of Vegas and Macau's late mother.

From her collection, Pete learned quite a lot; not only about who she was before and during Gun, but also why the brothers actually enjoy acquiring different languages. Pete also learned about himself as he reads the annotated books from her corner of the library. Pete finds out that unlike Vegas who prefers the intricacy of poetry, Pete prefers prose, especially adventures and fantasies. Pete learned that given a chance he would have definitely enrolled in a liberal arts program in university. Alas, time and opportunity was a luxury he couldn't afford. Not until now.

Just three days after Vegas was hospitalized, Macau arrived at the hospital after  tedious negotiations with Nop, ensuring him that no one will dare lay a hand on the youngest Theerapanyakul son. The teenager who's normally as composed as his older brother never looked so broken and disheveled. Pete found out that he was sent to Canada–the farthest Vegas could afford in his own power–to make sure whatever the outcome of the coup is, he remains untouchable. Later on, Pete found out from Nop that he had been paid by Vegas personally with 5 years worth of his salary and more to ensure his younger brother's safety and well-being. The fact that Vegas did this resulted in more despair and caused his heart that has already been shattered to get crushed just a little more. Pete knew that Vegas' own survival and compliance of his late father was for the sake of Macau above all else, knowing the unconscious man on the bed made sure his little brother was taken care of, nailed the reality of Vegas' own preparation for his own demise.

"You are not going to die, Vegas. Do you hear me?" Pete sobbed by his side. Holding to the hand that's not hooked to various IV sustenance. "I can't let you die."

Macau held onto him as he held onto the younger when he first arrived and saw his brother breathing on a tube. For the following days they held onto each other. Finding comfort in the darkness that surrounds their current little family.

Pete made sure that the youngest son of Theerapanyakul is taken care of to the best of his abilities, and that extended to emotional and mental well being.

Pete was so sure that the minor family heirs had reached the peak of their misery, but when Gun's mistress left a baby for dead he was almost sure that all the Gods that ever existed are waging on how intricate they could tie the knot of his destiny before it breaks. The love of his life, the one person who was able to penetrate the walls he ever made is lying on a hospital bed, dependent on machines to keep him alive. Said man's teenage brother fighting a mental and emotional battle as the only person he considered family is slipping off of life before his eyes. Not to mention, experiencing everything he ever knew fell apart in front of his eyes. Lastly, the wild card of this circus, a baby. Newborn baby discarded by his own biological mother as he is of no use anymore for her gain.

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