Chapter 15: You Survived

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Tankhun listens to the constant and familiar sound of the wall clock, mocking him for every dropping seconds. Two hours before midnight and there has been no news from the hospital and from the warehouse.

"It was you, wasn't it?" Tankhun confronts him, alone with no security detail behind him. The sheer anger against the older and knowledge of what the man is capable and willing to do to play his sadistic games fueling him.

"There's no reason for me to do anything. You're too emotional." Tankhun listens and racks his brain for any remaining justification for the lack of remorse in his voice, willing himself to still forgive the man sitting in front of him. "I think it's best for you to go back to your room and rest. This might have caused some unwanted memories to resurface for you." He despises the tone and the words, but most especially how he is being dismissed as if whatever has happened is just a simple wrinkle that could be straightened with an iron.


Tankhun has always prided himself as the best older brother in the world. In some ways, all of the younger Theerapanyakul plus the Kittisawat brothers agree, not always, but they know he means well. So, when Tankhun was able to convince Korn to take over for the whole operation for the weekend of the three youngest's return, everyone was not even surprised. Somehow, the oldest of them still has ammo against the remaining patriarch so that he can convince him to do ridiculous things such as this.

It's the morning of their arrival and Porsche and Pete are supposed to pick the three up from the airport while Vegas and Kinn tie up some loose ends before the weekend, which leaves Tankhun with Arm and Pol to take Venice to the resort with them before everyone else follows.

Vegas is holding Venice by his hand as they wait for the elevator. Venice has been becoming more stable now when he's standing on his own and even taking more steps without holding onto anything, so Pete and Vegas are extra careful whenever the youngest Theerapanyakul is feeling adventurous, much like today. In addition, he has been starting to form more coherent syllables, mostly "Dada" and "Papa" and sometimes, when Pete or Vegas are talking with or about Macau, Venice also babbles "Cau Cau."

"Ah! My special guest is here!" Tankhun cheers upon seeing Venice trying to walk faster to him. Vegas still files Venice's excitement to fascination with colors whenever he sees the older man. "Ah. You're here too." Tankhun looked Vegas up and down but didn't say anything else.
Nop hands the baby's bag to Pol as their bosses talk about the usual reminders. "Arm, you know your role already." Nop nods at the other bodyguard, reminding he's in-charge. "Another day in daycare, I guess." Arm nods back, adjusting his glasses.


Pete and Porsche can finally see the trio exiting the gates and the former can't help but to run to his younger brother, having one of his own security detail take his luggage cart.

"You're back!" Porsche excitedly exclaims with relief laced in his voice as they rock them back and forth. Porchay returns the hug with equal enthusiasm and tightness, taking comfort in Porsche's familiar smell. He realizes that no matter how good it has been in New York, he is still not ready to leave this.

On the other hand, Pete walks calmly to Macau, sighing at the three extra luggages in his effect and the younger one smiling at him with a toothy grin. Definitely a shopping addiction. He tightly hugs the younger, one hand lightly patting the back of Macau's head–an action Pete found out early on that relaxes Macau, especially when he's experiencing some sort of dissociation. This time though, it's to assure that Pete is there and how he's glad that he's safe and home.

Porsche takes one more look at his younger brother, still smiling broadly and kisses his forehead before walking where Kim has been watching the whole scene. "Little menace, come here!" Kim didn't have any time to react before he was also engulfed in a hug by Porsche while the other three were chuckling at the chain of emotion that painted itself on his face; from surprise to confusion then finally resignation, then awkwardly patting Porsche on the back. "You did well keeping them in line and in one piece." Porsche also pats him on the back before holding him by the shoulder. "But I hope you don't intend to hurt my brother again." Porsche says more seriously with a hopeful smile on his lips. Kim can only look at him in surprise again, Porchay had mentioned that his older brother doesn't know the full story yet. "Where there's smoke, there's fire, Kim. You don't have to say anything else. Just promise me." Porsche simply tells him and Kim understands so he nods and whispers an, "I will do my very best." Then Porsche takes him again in another hug.

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