Chapter 3: Favor

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Arm and Pol had been watching yet another rerun of one of Tankhun's favorite series when they received a call from Kinn that they were needed immediately for skills oriented tasks. Never would they imagine that it's babysitting two teenagers and an actual baby. Sure, Kinn and Porsche are still with them, but the two are mostly in their own world.

"I know it's impossible, but Venice is looking more and more like Pete each time I see him."  Arm says, watching the baby as Pol lightly bounce him on his knees as Kinn and Porsche gets movie tickets and snacks.

"Do you think Khun Vegas' money had actually bought technology for Pete to get pregnant?" Pol asked with a serious tone. Carefully examining Venice.

Macau and Chay are watching the two bodyguards actually discuss the possibility of male pregnancy in different aspects, may it be in fictional work or possible future technology or evolution.

"P'Kinn said they're some of the best, right?" Chay whispered to Macau, wanting to confirm if the knowledge he had gathered from staying at the house is true.

"As far as I know," Macau answered, still listening to the argument of the two bodyguards. "But I think time with P'Khun will definitely affect you." He chuckles.

Macau's phone alerted with a text message and without a second thought looked at his phone, it's only when Chay gasped softly he realized his mistake. Kim's name appeared on the screen with the short message of where are you? On the banner notification. Macau curses himself and turns off the phone again before turning to Chay. "Chay, you okay?" He asks, checking on his friend.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." Chay answers and notes that there have been two new message alerts. "You should answer him. He can be-"

"Stubborn." Macau simply finishes and taps Chay's shoulder.

Macau stands up to call his older cousin as he is now getting bombarded with messages, noting just how fast Chay's mood shifted. He really ought to lock the two in one room on a deserted island one day; just so he could have a vacation.

"Why haven't you been answering since this morning?" Kim's annoyed voice immediately says.

"I'm out. Chay saw your message asking me where I am, by the way." Macau answered, clearly irritated as well.

"Come to my apartment and bring emergency medical supplies. Including ibuprofen." Kim simply answered and added, "Don't let anyone know."

"Why do I need to bring medical supplies?" Macau asks since he really needs to know what exactly of supplies to get.

"Just prepare to clean a gunshot wound." And without any other word, Kim ends the call.

Macau hurriedly left without another word to anyone, honestly questioning if being friendly with their cousins has now cost his freedom.

"Where's Macau?" Porsche asks Chay, handing the caramel popcorn to his younger brother.

"Kim called him, I guess. He didn't say." Chay answers with a blank face.

"Kim, my brother?" Kinn asked no one in particular. Eyebrows knitting. "What could they possibly talk about?"

Porsche is still looking at his brother and decides to hug the younger, not saying any words, simply holding the other in his arms. Chay welcomes the comfort of feeling his Hia and just simply sags in Porsche's arms.

"Let's go?" Kinn asks the brothers, gently stroking Chay's head.

Macau instructs his bodyguard to wait by the door as he enters Kim's apartment, which the bodyguard reluctantly agreed to as the environment is new and not one place had been checked for possible danger. Macau assured him though, pointing at the sole other person on the floor as he recognizes him to be Kim's occasional bodyguard.

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