Side story: Extended epilogue (you could call it a dlc)

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"Julia is dead." Alita said, crying harder than she had ever cried before. Red was looking at her, not knowing what to do. You can't really do much in a situation like this. You might make the person sadder if you comfort them, but yet again, they might need comfort. Everyone else was trying their best to make Alita (and themselves) feel better.

"Alita... I give up..." Red said. Alita looked over. "There was a reason why I became Red. It was so I could get punished for my bad deeds. This is one of them. I killed Julia. I'm not going to create that cure. I hope you are fine with that, everyone." Red looked over to all of the other rainbow friends. They all nodded in approval. "I can take you all home now."


There was a little van near the entrance to Odd World. The car ride back to Massachusetts was quiet. Julia's lifeless body was in the car with the two twin robots, Black and White who were dismantled, were in the trunk of the car. Pandora was in the front seat, with Red driving, and everyone else was cramped in the backseats. Alita had stopped crying. She was, of course, still sad. Where would I go? Where will I stay? She kept thinking;

"Hey, Alita?" Red said. "You'll probably be staying at Trenton's house with Yellow and Pink for a while. Then you, Pandora, and I will live in your house. I have to bring the rest of the children back to their parents in New York. Which is why I'll be gone."

"Why do I have to live with you?" Pandora asked in a disgusted tone. Red sighed.

"Because you do. We have to make a few stops at Ben, Lee, and Love's house. I hope you're ready to see your parents again." Red didn't have a visible mouth, but the students could tell that he was smiling. One by one, each student popped out of the van next to the place they had never wanted to see more. Home.
Alita watched as all of her friends retired from the adventure. First it was Lee, then Ben, then Lee. Red tried his best to introduce himself and apologize, but all the parents really did was scream and slam the door. The students had quite a story to tell...

Alita was up next, but she wasn't going home. She would never be home. Home is with Julia, her mum, and her father. They were all dead. Right? Alita still had some very old memories of her father. He had dark hair, a bright and happy face, and always wore a plaid jacket. That was all she could remember. Suddenly, Alita felt the car stop. They were at Trenton's place.

"Bye!" Trenton said. "Make sure to keep the place clean!" The car drove off and Alita was finally somewhere where she could rest... Yellow unlocked the door, and they went into the small house.


Two weeks later.

*Knock knock

"Hello?" Alita said, opening the front door. Red was standing there with Trenton. "Red! It's so good to see you again! Would you like to come in?"

"Of course, Alita, thank you." Red walked in with Trenton.


"Everything went all according to plan." Red said. "Of course, some of the parents were mad at me, but at least they got their kid back. Alita, are you ready to go?" Red asked. Alita nodded.


A year later.

It was Alita's birthday. She was turning thirteen. Alita could hear clattering downstairs. It smelled like pancakes. She quickly put on some clothes, and headed downstairs. There, she found red flipping some warm pancakes on the stove, and Pandora looking at her phone. As usual.

"Happy birthday Alita!"Red said, as he almost missed one of the pancakes that he flipped. "I made you birthday pancakes!"Red put the cooled flapjacks onto a plate, grabbed some whipped cream from the fridge, and sprayed some onto Alita's breakfast. Alita sat next to Pandora, and started eating her way through the fluffy bread.

"It's been almost a year since Julia died." Pandora said, slightly sighing. "If she were here, I think she would be proud of you Alita." Alita gave a soft smile, and kept eating. Julia was a little part of her heart she could never forget. After all, they were sisters. Ever since that very last day at Odd world, Alita felt that if she dug in deep enough, she could hear the blood that dripped onto the floor like teardrops.

~The end~


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