Chapter 3: The old man's secret

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"Ok group, help me push this thing up to the door." The old man said.

"Um, where's Alita, Lee and the other kid." Julia asked as she was pushing the drill up to a door.

"I don't know. Hopefully they didn't get caught." Love said.


"Let's turn this baby on..." The man said grinning. "OSWALD WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE COME OUT."


"Fine. We'll have to do this the hard way."

The old man flipped the switch. And the drill started pulling back.

"How do you know about Oswald?" Ben asked.

"It's a long story but I'll tell you later."


The drill opened the door and released different colored balls. The last thing Julia saw was rainbow flying at her before she blacked out.


"Where am I?"

The man was at the top of Green's ride.

"Ok let's try this again." The speakers said. "Collect all of those lookies you just released and I'll let the old man live;"

"Oh. And this time, there's a timer."

Julia saw the seats move up the ride. The only problem was it was occupied by explosives.

"No!" Julia yelled. "Guys we have to find these lookies."

"Where's Alita?" Ben said.

"I don't really know right now."


"Um... duck!!"


"OOOO I KNOW! I KNOW!" Pink yelled. "You're obviously a... DOG!!!"

"I was a cat..." Alita said.

"Oh.... I definitely wouldn't have gotten that one."

"How about we play a different game now?" Alita suggested.


"We really have to find these things."

"Let's go!" Julia said.

The group went in all directions, trying to find the "lookies"

"So this is a lookie huh?" Julia said well, holding a cyan red head. It was making very weird noises that sounded like a bird of some kind.

"Well I guess we just put it in here with the other ones." Julia said to Love.

"Oh man, it's so loud all together it's like a song..." Love said looking at the brightly colored spheres Rolling around in the pit. "I don't like them."

"Yeah me neither. Hopefully we get past this night..."

"Did you just say night?" Love asked. "It's hours; it was always night even when we first started."

"Oh haha. I guess I just haven't gotten used to this." Julia said with a chuckle.

"Why are we here?" Love asked. "My brother went to this place when he was my age and he ended up fine. That was a long time ago though."

"How long?" Julia asked.

"Before we were even born. Around... 1988."

"There's something about this place. I asked Ben earlier and his sister went there before 1991."

"What's up with 1991?"

"It was the year the computer in the office was last logged into." Julia said. "So it's probably the year hemolock woods closed."

"Oh. I wonder what happened?"

"I don't know." Julia said. "It might have something to do with Oswald."

"Hmm. Why don't we ask the old man." Love suggested.

"He said that the monsters were probably imaginary. But I think he knows something is going on now." Love said.

"He's hiding something very big from us." Julia said.

"Speaking of him... THE TIMER IS ALMOST UP THERE!"

Love was telling the truth. The seats were almost up to the top of the ride.


Suddenly fireworks went off all around and lit up the retro gray sky.

"Wait... what. Did red spare him? But why?" Julia asked herself.


"Woah. What's that noise?" Alita asked.

"I don't know, let's check it out." Pink said.

Alita went outside and saw the fireworks burst.

"Guys come out!"


"Julia! Sorry I left you hanging!" Alita said.

Julia looked straight at yellow and pink.

"Um... who are thEy?"

"Oh yeah right. That's yellow and pink, don't worry there on our side."

"It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." Julia said as she put out an arm. "Please do not eat me."

"Eat you?!? No way you're too sweet. Alita on the other hand..." Pink said, looking at Alita.

"Um don't eat me either."

"We're joking. We don't eat people." Yellow said.

"Whew ok. That's good. You know some of them took out half of their class."

"Oh yeah we're very familiar with that, Alita told us it all."

"Wait really?" Julia looked at Alita.

"Well yeah. I was exploring and I found a secret door with Lee. So we tore it down and found a bunch of the monsters in cages. Pink was really nice to me and told me about you and how red kidnapped you." Alita explained.

"At first I thought you kidnapped me." Julia said. "He sounded exactly like you."

"Cool but also not cool." Ben said. "Guys I've found a book on everything that's happened in these past few days."

"Let me see that." Julia opened the notebook and saw a bunch of tables and notes on Odd world. "Ben?!? How Did you find this!?!"

"I just found it on the floor. I wrote some of my own notes in it too."

"Let's see. Blah blah blah. Blah blah... ooo scientists doing bloody things. Woah. Woah... this is... woah... dark..." Julia said, looking in the book.

"Guys... Trenton and Oswald made the rainbow friends out of little kids... who came to hemolock woods."

"UGH that's disgusting. Do you know about this?" Alita said pointing at yellow and pink.

"Hmm. My earliest memory was bright lights flashing everywhere. And a man is looking at me."

"Same. Who wrote that?" Yellow asked Julia.

"Um it says... Trenton. That's it."

"I know who wrote it." The man said from behind them. "I was the one who wrote it."

"You're saying... your... Trenton."

"Yes. Before I left Oswald and I designed Odd world. But I left and he built it all by himself. And I decided to take a look for myself..."

"Cool. Looks like you did it. You probably know a way out. Can you show us that?"

"Yes but it'S in Oranges roller coaster so we need to move that lookie. We need to bake a cake. It's the only way to get him to move."

"Well then troop, let's find some sugar to bake a cake." Julia said. "It's time to end this chapter."

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