Chapter 6: Answers, and the last death

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Julia was terrified. She was walking down with the lost souls of children who were now known as mascots. They were directing her to... Julia didn't really know. Julia knew it was important to have something to do with Oswald's experiments. They pointed at a closet at the end of the laser tag room, Julia looked through the closet and found a box of papers. She pushed all of the empty boxes away from the locked closet. She easily ripped the chain apart because of how rusty it was. Julia opened the door and grabbed the box and dragged it. Julia opened the box and found case files for the rainbow friends. Julia picked up one from the top of the box. "Clare Jeff." Julia read in her head. "Sex: fem. Age 9. Mascot: Blue. Personally: Likes princesses. Believes that magic is a real thing. This is very odd for her age. We think Blue would be a perfect choice for her. I (Oswald) found her at a table near the bathroom, trying to find her mom." Julia picked up another paper.

"Miles Simpson. Sex: Male. Age: 10. Mascot: Green. Personality: Very kind. A little too much. He is blind. We don't know if it's genetic or a disease. Green was never meant to be blind. We're gonna need to tie his long arms up for employees to move him around. He doesn't like this and will attack you if you move too close.

"George Simpson. Sex: Male. Age 10. Mascot: Orange. Personality: Miles' little brother. He is very hungry. Usually, he has little hunger attacks in the middle of the day. Miles usually comforts him. George likes to bite things. He is too aggressive to go onto stage. We have no need for him now. Trenton is throwing him out tomorrow.

"Oliver Fredricson. Sex: Male. Age 13. Mascot: Purple. Personality: Very shy. He will only go up onto stage if I yell at him. Yesterday, I guess I yelled at him a little too much, and he went into the vents. I tried to get him out, but it didn't work. More updates soon."

"Lily Bond. Sex: Fem. Age 12. Mascot: Yellow. Personality: We found her dead on the bathroom floor with her sister. She was wearing a yellow rabbit jacket and holding a blue doll. (Keep note this is the only thing that makes her happy)It was the idea for her mascot, Yellow 0.1. We hope this works."

"Rose Bond. Sex: Fem. Age 12. Mascot: Pink. Personality: Very happy. Doesn't realize she's being tested on. She really likes her sister. Unlike Yellow, she is a good singer and is going to stay on stage, unlike her twin."

"Gunner Grey. Sex: Male. Age 16. Mascot: Yellow 0.2. Personality: Yellow 0.1 was found bad at the keyboard and was bad at singing. Trenton is going to burn her today. (I feel like he is disobeying me.) Anyway, I was talking to a fellow employee, and we saw someone fall off of the ice mountain intentionally. I took him to the testing room to turn him into the beast he was meant to be. It finally worked. He was put on stage, and he passed the test. More updates soon."

"Monika Jeff. Sex: Fem. Age: 17. Mascot: Cyan. Personality: She is the sister of Clare. Has unusual abilities that separates her from the others. She can smell things from a distance of two miles, and has the jaw power of a hyena. She is rideable, so we are leaving her free from the stage in odd world to roam around."

Julia grabbed the bottom paper in the back that had Oswald's face on it.

" Sex: Male. Age: 43. Mascot: I think we know the answer. Personality: If anyone reads this, just know I totally tricked Oswald into doing this. It wasn't even a good trick. He was too crazy to understand that it was a lie. He was drowned in money and business. He was so spoiled that I had to do it. I'm sorry Oswald. I hope you find someone to help you and your friends. Have a good life, I'm leaving the facility.
Trenton D. Davis."

Julia was shaking. Has Red really done that? She didn't want to figure it out. But she had too. Julia wasn't picked for any reason because she was important in any way, the only reason she was doing this was because she was the one who survived. Others had tried to help them before, but just hadn't made it this far. She had to make it back to the others. But where were they? Julia had a few guesses, the best place she could think of was the waterfall near the edge of the river. But that was stupid. They were probably at one of Red's labs. But which one? She remembered that in order to make the antidote for the kids, they would have to collect a human eye. And she signed up for the surgery. Julia only had one surgery in her life so far, but it was only when she was a baby. Julia and the mascots walked out of laser tag plaza to try and search for any clues to see where the rest of the group was. And even better, where the fuck Ruby and Sapphire went. It was like they evaporated out of thin air. After looking around, she finally found them fiddling with a hatch on the concrete near Blue's castle. There clawed four figures could not grip onto the thin wood.

"Oh hey Juls! Look at what we found!" Ruby said grinning. "Oh see you made some friends!" Julia pushed open the hatch. She had seen it before, but it was locked before. Inside was a dark room and a ladder that took you down to the bottom. Julia crawled down the ladder into the vast darkness of the basement. She couldn't see a fucking thing. Was she dead? Julia thought she saw a light in the distance. Once she got to the bottom, a light like the sun turned on. Now Julia was really blind. Once her eyes adjusted, she could see she was in a metal hallway with a single door on the other side. She slowly walked forward, her legs just started walking. It was like behind that very door, was the truth of her entire existence. The rainbow friends were still climbing down the ladder. Julia was right next to the door. She gripped the knob. It was not opening, no. There was another person right next to that door. She heard it click. It opened. In front of the door was something she had wanted to see for a while. Alita and the rest of the group.

"Julia! Thank god! We thought you died!" Alita said as she pulled Julia into a very tight hug. This was the time now. Julia was ready for the surgery.

"Alita. I have to talk to Red. Because of... well... you know." Julia said, smiling. Alita had almost forgotten. She was about to tell Julia what happened to her mum.

"Uh... Julia... how am I going to tell this to you..."

"What?" Julia asked.

"Mum... she..." Tears streamed down Alita's eyes. "She's... she's dead. She killed herself..."

"What?" Julia asked again.

"It was too much stress..." Lee said, touching Julia's shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Where is Red?" Julia asked, sobbing uncontrollably.

"He's in that room." Ben said, pointing to a small operation room at the edge of the basement. Julia opened the door and walked in. The room was white and covered in gizmos like a doctor's room. There was a white, liftable, chair in the middle of the room. Julia touched the chair. It was softer than a pillow.

"Hello Julia. I'm sorry for your loss." Red was now wearing an operating mask and white gloves. "I'm also sorry we have to do this. It will not take long. Basically, the process is to carefully remove your left eye, since it is already damaged. Don't worry. I have this under control." Julia could tell he wasn't lying. She sat down in the chair, remembering all of the adventures she had gone through from escaping class to going on this damn field trip, to this. Boy, has it been a trip. She remembered the look on Matilda's face when they were trapped. She remembered how she had barely escaped Blue during that epic run through the vents. She was seeing blurry now. It was time to rest;

"It has been two hours now." Pink said, groaning.

"Give them some time." Alita said. "It takes a while to do this kind of stuff." The group heard a door open. It was Red.

"I'm sorry. Julia is not gonna make it. She was bleeding... probably from the scar. She wants all of you." Red said, wiping his bloody gloves. Alita opened the door slowly, and there she was. Her worst nightmare. Blood coated all over the ground. Julia was in the chair with one bloody missing eye.

"Alita..." Julia said. "Tell the next generation were story... take the children back to their parents... tell them I'm sorry..." A single tear fell onto the large puddle of blood and after her final words, she closed her eye, and smiled, well Alita cried.

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