Side story: Lee's perspective

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"Wait!" Lee said, stopping Trenton from pushing the button to turn on the old ride. "What about Yellow and Pink?" Lee looked at the two rabbit hominids. They both were probably the safest living thing here, but that still didn't mean Lee was going to miss them.

"We're not coming." Pink said calmly. "We have to find Red and pay him for what he has done. We really hope you stay safe." Lee looked over at her two friends.  They were both silently pushing Lee into just going with the flow and getting on the roller coaster. Lee however, wouldn't listen.

"You can't just abandon us after all we've been through! I'm going with you." Lee said as she walked up to them. Pink looked at Yellow in surprise. Why did this kid want to stay in Odd World? It was practically the most dangerous sight in miles! Lee had to get back to her parents. Was this intentional? Did she want to die?

"Lee, get into the cart." Trenton said, lowering his forehead. That's when he remembered another exit. Sure, this was the fastest way out of there, but there was another one built into the racetrack that wasn't far from the roller coaster. If they could do their business with Red, and babysit Lee until they were done, It would actually work. "Actually, there is one more exit by the racetrack, If you want to stay then that would actually be ok. What do you think of that, Julia?"

Julia was fidgeting with some rust that was stuck to one of the minecarts she was riding on, but then snapped back into reality. "Yeah that's fine, as long as she doesn't get eaten or dies."

"Then it's set!" Trenton said. "Lee can go with us, and she'll just go through the other exit when she is done!" Lee smiled as her, Yellow, and Pink walked off. The sun was beginning to rise above them as they exited Orange's roller coaster. It was a lot less creepy when they walked out. There were no monsters out, just them. They could hear local crows cleaning their plumage, and the sound of electricity being imported through all of Odd World.

"WOOOOOOOOOO IT'S MORNING!" Pink yelled. Both Lee and Yellow jumped. If there was anything they both had in common, it was that they both hated loud noises, and tended to keep it quiet. Lee tapped Pink's soft arm.

"Excuse me, how are we supposed to find Red? And what exactly are we doing?" Lee asked. Lee had been wanting to ask that question for a while now. Red seemed like a really sneaky guy. She remembered the first time she met him, and how ten seconds later he attacked Alita and her with a smoke bomb and ran away.

"Well, good question." Pink said. "Have you ever seen red before?" Lee nodded. "Right now he's planning something really bad. He always tends to plan something so he can get rid of trespassers. We're gonna stop him from doing that really bad thing, so that you and your friends can get out safely." Lee nodded in agreement.

"What is that 'Really bad thing?'" Lee asked.

"We'd rather not answer that question." Yellow said quietly. Trenton eventually came out of the coaster and joined the little party.

"We should probably get this over with." Trenton said as he started walking down the stone pathway of the amusement park.

For the rest of the way the tiny group walked in silence. There was nothing to really talk about, besides how weird this place was. Lee didn't want to ask many questions. She was a bit shy, but Lee felt like anyone would be shy if they were walking side by side next to two rabbit mascots. If anything, she was curious. How did they become these characters? Were they happy as Pink and Yellow? Why did they get chosen to become the mascots? She kept thinking, Pink  gave her a little nudge on the shoulder, and gave Lee a smile.

"We're here! Finally!" Pink said, holding her arms up in the air. They were at the waterfall, which the group headed into. Lee had no idea that this room existed, but it was apparently a little secret spot under the waterfall. On one side was a door that was locked. Trenton immediately stepped up and grabbed a rusted lock pick from his pocket. He started fidgeting with the lock, and in mere seconds, the door clicked open.

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