Chapter 2: A loss and a hope

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"So it looks like we have all of the lights placed..."

Julia flipped a switch on the back of the spotlight. All of the lights flashed and lit up a large blue face in the sky.

"Hey did you hear that noise... oh! Wait there was actually an sos light?— Um I mean good job! You all must be good at finding things!" The old man said.

"Hey guys! Guess who I found!" Lee said who was with Warren.

"Hello there!" Warren said.

"Hi I'm Julia! And these are my friends. How did you get here?"

"Well I followed a bunch of baddass teens in here. They were all talking about how this place was haunted and stuff like that. They all died to blue but I was the only one who survived the attack and then purple found me and kept me as his guest."

"Um wow. That's a little bit like are story, huh Alita."

"Your bleeding are you ok?" Warren asked.

Julia looked down at the blood dripping from her face. It was a cut she got from trying to rescue a friend from orange. It was sadly getting worse and Julia did not have a first aid kit with her.

"Yes I'm Fine." She lied.

"Owwww... why does my stomach hurt so much." Carol said from the corner.

"Did you eat something bad?" Love asked.

"Um. I don't know. I haven't eaten anything besides..."

"Besides what?"


"I need a bucket. Like now."

"Oh god. Not again." Ben said. "Please don't tell me you're going to..."

"Ugh. That sucked."


"That's so disgusting. Why would you even want to see someone throw up?" Alita asked.


"Ugh the pain... it's just getting worse. I don't think I'm going to make it all the way through..."

"No... you have to..." Julia said.


Carol laid lifeless across the floor.

"Oh my god?!?" Julia said, crying.

Ben checked Carol's pulse.

"She's dead."

"Sigh. It was the cake, it was poisoned. If we would've all eaten the cake, no matter how hungry we were we'd all be dead..."

"I'm so sorry." Warren said. "She seemed like a very nice person."

"She was."

Suddenly a familiar crackle went off on the speakers across the theme park.

"Hello again fellow students." Red said from the mic.

"Ugh. You. Did you bake that cake?!? You killed Carol!!!"

"It was a small inconvenience. There are still 6 of you. Of course counting the boy."

"Bitch." Warren cursed.

"Now I don't think anyone will rescue you right at this moment. But I won't put you in any danger finding things so you can all wait right here."

The speaker went off.

"Oswald... what have you become..." The man said. "I'm sorry guys but I think we need to find gas cans to power the drill and get out of here and put a stop to this nonsense."

The 1991 chronicles Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora